
International webinar: Design and Ethics

  • Starts:14:00, 28 September 2021
  • Ends:15:30, 28 September 2021
  • Location:Online webinar
  • Price:Free of charge

Design has established itself as a valuable competence in the public sector. But what are the implications of designers getting a seat at the table? How do we take ethics along in the process?

The path for designers in the public sector is a minefield of ethical questions. In this webinar we will dive into some of these questions from various perspectives – from the academic point of view as well as the practical as we will learn from policy labs in e.g. Ukraine.

As designers we shape the services (and sometimes the policy) of the government. What role has ethics in our work? How do you take values along in your work, where do they collide with all kinds of though real-world-issues and how do you cope with this? And if the system says no, can we – as civil servants – say yes?




Organised by the international Design in Government community:

  • D-box – National Center for Transforming public services , consisting of DOGA (Design and Architecture Norway, AHO (the Oslo School of architecture and design) and:
  • BI (Norwegian business school)
  • Forum for service design, a network of professionals in the Municipality of Oslo
  • The Dutch community Gebruiker Centraal (User Needs First)
  • The Secretariat of Innovation and Digital Transformation from the City of Buenos Aires

Annelie Berner

Annelie is a data artist, designer, technologist and researcher. She works for the Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (CIID) in Denmark. The CIID collaborates with academics and scientists to make research tangible, bringing the power of design to communicate and bridge from research to the public. She is also teacher, on Designing Ethical Futures, Programming for Designers and Interactive Data Visualisation.

Iryna Kupchynska

Iryna is Solutions Designer at UNDP-organized Policy Lab in the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.