
Øivind Revang

Professor emeritus

Institutt for strategi og entreprenørskap



Olaisen, Johan Leif & Revang, Øivind (2019)

Making Knowledge Management More Relevant and Creative: A Comparative Study of ECKM Papers

Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, 2, s. 815- 823. Doi: 10.34190/KM.19.054

This paper is analyzing and comparing all the academic research papers in the proceedings of ECKM in 2017 (Barcelona) and 2018 (Padua). The study is classifying the papers according to methodology, analysis, discussion, and conclusion regarding their contribution, placing them into the four paradigmatic boxes. The approach is to use a philosophy of science framework and compare this to the content of the research papers. We have used the findings in four representations of knowledge, two typologies of concepts, four paradigmatic classifications, and the concluding framework for knowledge management research. Both conferences have a heavy emphasis upon knowledge-itis and instrumental-itis and much less emphasis upon problem-itis. The papers are centered around existing knowledge and accepted methodology and less related to new problems. The results indicate an ECKM conference based upon as-is knowledge and less upon new problems. The ECKM papers have rather low complexity presented in an empirical and materialistic paradigmatic framework through definitive concepts representing a form of atomistic research. What would ECKM have been with a higher degree of complexity in action and subjective paradigmatic frameworks through sensitizing concepts representing a form of holistic research? Probably a more creative, engaged and relevant conference. Objectivity is in demand, but subjectivity is needed to come up with proposals for working greener and smarter. To move ahead for better quality in the research, it is necessary to break free from the empirical paradigm and the materialistic paradigm and move into the clarified subjectivity and action paradigm. Paradigmatic ecumenism will tend to a fiercer, but an idea-generating debate. This pluralistic approach will give more engaged practical research representing more sustainable societies and businesses.

Revang, Øivind & Olaisen, Johan Leif (2019)

Obstacles and Driving Forces in Virtual Knowledge Sharing: A Case- Based Analysis

Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, 2, s. 877- 884. Doi: 10.34190/KM.19.098

The research phenomenon is the use of corporate social/collaboration software to share Information/knowledge. The empirical material was collected in two large corporations that implemented Workplace by Facebook (WbF). The data are partly quantitative based on an electronic survey in each organization and partly qualitatively based on interviews with core personnel. The paper has two research questions: A) What motivates and what prevent people from using the software to share knowledge? B) Of what should the management be aware to increase organization efficiency through knowledge sharing? Since little is known about the subject and theoretical constructions are rudimentary and fragmented, the empirical material is analyzed to substantiate various propositions. A total of six propositions is generated. These results are empirically testable to verify the theory building, and of importance for those who intend to implement similar software in their organizations. It is a strong indication that educational background has an impact on the sharing of information/knowledge. The main pitfall and threat to efficiency seem to be the posting of information without restrictions - as such behavior will result in an ‘internal junkyard’ of information. Tensions between an existing hierarchy of authority and lateral arrangements to share information and knowledge can also prevent possible gains from sharing knowledge across existing internal borders. Generally, there seems to be an imprecise language concerning collaboration and sharing as well as information and knowledge, which may impact the actual behavior of the users.

Olaisen, Johan Leif & Revang, Øivind (2019)

Making Knowledge Management Creative, Engaged and Relevant: a Comparative Philosophy of Science Study of IFKAD Papers in 2016, 2017 and 2018

Proceedings IFKAD..., s. 1220- 1232.

Olaisen, Johan Leif & Revang, Øivind (2018)

Exploring the performance of tacit knowledge: How to make ordinary people deliver extraordinary results in teams

International Journal of Information Management, 43(Dec), s. 295- 304. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2018.08.016

Our research question is how do we transform individual and collective tacit knowledge into collective, explicit and actionable knowledge in teams?. As our methodological approach, we conducted a longitudinal survey study from 2012 to 2014 to of two teams of staff employed with a Norwegian furniture manufacturer. Each team included designers, production engineers, and salespeople. The survey included the teams and the upper corporate team. The survey monitored the design, production and market processes involved in launching furniture to the marketplace (30 months). The teams decided to rotate their professional roles as designers, production engineers, and salespeople. This rotating role mechanism and socialization process encouraged the sharing of knowledge. The team members transformed their tacit knowledge into collective explicit knowledge, allowing it to deliver innovative results within a time limit. As a theoretical implication, we have found a workable means of transforming tacit, productive, individual and collective knowing into explicit actionable knowledge. Productive team knowledge was converted into tacit managerial knowledge in upper management personnel, enabling the group to translate knowledge into explicit business actions. We propose, as a general theory, that by rotating professional roles within a team individual tacit knowledge can be transformed into collective explicit knowledge. The productive team tacit knowledge that was transferred was identified as expert, nodding, familiarity and holistic knowledge. As a practical implication, we show that rotating professional roles within a team works when a team is afforded enough time to develop a socialization process. When professionals are given direction, trust, responsibility and time to develop results, they break out of their comfort zones and deliver extraordinary results together. As a practical implication, we show that this process can be planned, managed and controlled. Role rotation facilitates both the creation of high-performance teams and the transformation of tacit professional knowledge into explicit knowledge. The transformation of tacit knowledge into explicit knowledge helps increase efficiency and effectiveness in knowledge-intensive corporations. Therefore, practically, is it possible to create a corporate flywheel from tacit knowledge? The conversion of productive tacit knowledge into tacit managerial knowledge converted into specific business actions can create an explicit corporate flywheel while maintaining tacit knowledge as a competitive advantage.

Olaisen, Johan Leif & Revang, Øivind (2018)

The Direction of Knowledge Management Research: Making the Research More Creative, Engaged and Relevant

Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, 2, s. 623- 632.

Revang, Øivind & Olaisen, Johan Leif (2018)

Knowledge Management in Turbulent Times: Combining the Soft and Hard Issues

Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, 2, s. 747- 754.

Revang, Øivind & Olaisen, Johan Leif (2018)

Facilitating Knowledge Work for Dynamic Value Creation - A Semantic Approach

Proceedings IFKAD..., s. 1282- 1293.

Olaisen, Johan Leif & Revang, Øivind (2018)

A comparative philosophy of science study of IFKAD papers 2016 and 2017

Proceedings IFKAD..., s. 1189- 1202.

Olaisen, Johan Leif; Revang, Øivind & Rosendahl, Tom (2018)

Verdiskapende kommunikasjon i endringsprosesser - Et bedriftseksempel fra en avdeling i Statoil

Magma forskning og viten, 21(4), s. 49- 58. - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Statoils konsernstrategi for 2010 var at alle avdelingene skulle endres fra matriseorganisering til nettverksorganisering i en dynamisk virtuell organisasjon. Dette skulle medføre at alle operasjoner i Statoil ble integrerte (IO). Statoil Stjørdal var et pionereksempel på IO som skulle legge grunnlaget for IO i hele Statoil. IO var grunnlaget for dagens digitaliseringsstrategi i selskapet hvor alle prosesser digitaliseres. Vi fant i vår empiriske kvalitative undersøkelse at den kritiske suksessfaktoren for integrerte operasjoner var ledelsens strategi- og kommunikasjonsplan sammen med de ansattes deltakelse som utformet og styrte prosessen. De ansattes kompetanse medførte at de ble premissleverandører for hele endringsprosessen. Deres indre motivasjon var drivkraften. Det var ikke behov for noen form for belønninger. Milepeler ble markert, og de ansatte deltok i tilpasninger og kommunikasjon av disse. Det var da ikke behov for eksterne rådgivere. Dette var ordinære ansatte i Statoil som gjennom å ta et ansvar for teknologi, innovasjon og endring leverte ekstraordinære resultater. Denne studien av IO-implementeringen indikerte også at grunnleggende endringsprosesser tar lengre tid enn planlagt. Alle lederne fremstod over tid som klare støttespillere og initiativtakere til endringsprosessene. Lederne balanserte over tid demokratisk ledelse og maktbasert ledelse for å oversette Statoils strategi til lokale meningsskapende forhold i Stjørdal. De ansatte opplevde dette som en relasjonsgjensidighet. Formelle og uformelle nettverk ble gradvis viktigere i prosessen.

Revang, Øivind & Olaisen, Johan (2017)

The use of Knowledge Sources to Create Absorptive Capacity–A Case Study

Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, s. 833- 840.

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (2017)

The dynamics of business knowledge as societal meaning for creativity in teams (revisited version)

Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, 2, s. 788- 797.

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (2017)

The Co-creation of business knowledge as societal meaning in project teams

Proceedings IFKAD..., 1, s. 460- 473.

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (2017)

Trivialism or pluralism in knowledge management research in the 21st century: Making knowledge management creative and relevant

Proceedings IFKAD..., 1, s. 749- 761.

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (2017)

The dynamics of intellectual property rights for trust, knowledge sharing and innovation in project teams

International Journal of Information Management, 37(6), s. 583- 589. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2017.05.012

Olaisen, Johan Leif & Revang, Øivind (2017)

Working smarter and greener: Collaborative knowledge sharing in virtual global project teams

International Journal of Information Management, 37(1), s. 1441- 1448. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2016.10.002

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (2016)

Virtual Global Teams as Value Creating Tools for Knowledge Sharing and Innovation (revised version)

Proceedings IFKAD..., 11, s. 1122- 1136.

Revang, Øivind & Olaisen, Johan (2016)

Dynamic Organizational Development – The Role of Data, Information and Knowledge

Proceedings IFKAD..., 11, s. 712- 725.

Olaisen, Johan; Revang, Øivind & Rosendahl, Tom (2015)

Intellectual Property Rights As Basics For Collaborative Innovations And Knowledge Sharing

Zaho, Xiande; Zhang, Jie J. & Han, Hyun Jeong (Spring) (red.). Proceedings of QUIS14: Accelerate the Impact of Service Research

Olaisen, Johan; Revang, Øivind & Rosendahl, Tom (2015)

Virtual Global Teams As Value Creating Tools For Knowledge Sharing And Collaborative Innovations

Zaho, Xiande; Zhang, Jie J. & Han, Hyun Jeong (Spring) (red.). Proceedings of QUIS14: Accelerate the Impact of Service Research

Revang, Øivind & Olaisen, Johan (2015)

Creating Service Innovations Through Network Relations

Zaho, Xiande; Zhang, Jie J. & Han, Hyun Jeong (Spring) (red.). Proceedings of QUIS14: Accelerate the Impact of Service Research

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (2015)

The Dynamics Of Business Knowledge As Societal Meaning

Zaho, Xiande; Zhang, Jie J. & Han, Hyun Jeong (Spring) (red.). Proceedings of QUIS14: Accelerate the Impact of Service Research

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (2014)

Keeping Ambidexterity and Knowledge Dynamics Onboard: A case study of Norwegian olympic shipping

Proceedings IFKAD..., s. 279- 316.

Revang, Øivind & Olaisen, Johan (2014)

Evig ung - en casestudie av relasjoner mellom nyskaping og drift :

Magma forskning og viten, 17(8), s. 53- 62.

Revang, Øivind & Olaisen, Johan (2014)

Navigating the Blue Ocean of Innovation

Visser-Groeneveld, Jeanette (red.). 15th International CINet Conference, "Operating Innovation - Innovating Operations"

Rosendahl, Tom; Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (2014)

Internal Communication as Value Creation in a Change Process - A case Study of Norwegian Statoil

Journal of Applied Management and Entrepreneurship, 19(3), s. 101- 128. Doi: 10.9774/gleaf.3709.2014.ju.00007

Hennestad, Bjørn Wessel; Revang, Øivind & Strønen, Fred H. (2012)

Endringsledelse og ledelsesendring : endringslæring for praktisk orienterte teoretikere og reflekterte praktikere


Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (2011)

Crossing Innovation Frontiers

van der Rhee, Bo & Victorino, Liana (red.). QUIS 12. Advances in service quality, innovation, and excellence

Løwendahl, Bente R. & Revang, Øivind (2007)

Det handler om å velge - og å bli valgt

Magma forskning og viten, 10(1), s. 30- 40.

Hennestad, Bjørn; Revang, Øivind & Strønen, Fred H. (2006)

Endringsledelse og ledelsesendring : endringslæring for praktisk orienterte teoretikere og reflekterte praktikere


Løwendahl, Bente R. & Revang, Øivind (2004)

Achieving results in an after modern context: thoughts onthe role of strategizing and organizing

European Management Review, 1(1), s. 49- 54.

FOSSTENLØKKEN, Siw Marita; Løwendahl, Bente R. & Revang, Øivind (2003)

Knowledge Development through Client Interaction: A Comparative Study

Organization Studies, 24(6), s. 859- 879.

Lorange, Peter; Løwendahl, Bente R. & Revang, Øivind (2003)

Scandinavian approaches to strategy - combining competition and cooperation in practice

Czarniawska, B. & Sevon, G. (eds.): Northern Lights - Organization Theory in Scandinavia

Fosstenløkken, Siw; Løwendahl, Bente R. & Revang, Øivind (2003)

Knowledge Development through Client Interaction: A Comparative Study

Organization Studies, 24(6), s. 859- 879.

Løwendahl, Bente R.; Revang, Øivind & FOSSTENLØKKEN, Siw Marita (2001)

Knowledge and Value Creation in Professional Service Firms: A Framework for Analysis

Human Relations, 54(7), s. 911- 931.

Løwendahl, Bente R.; Revang, Øivind & Fosstenløkken, Siw (2001)

Knowledge and value creation in professional service firms : a framework for analysis

Human Relations, 54(7), s. 911- 931.

Revang, Øivind (2000)

Fremtiden er hva vi gjør den til - en "tospråklig utvandrer" fra NHH vurderer organisering og strategi

Revang, Øivind (red.). Med BI fra aftenskole til vitenskapelig høyskole - Festskrift til Gerson Komissars 80-årsdag

Revang, Øivind (2000)

Strukturering, systematisering og styring - en erfaren industrialist konsoliderer

Revang, Øivind (red.). Med BI fra aftenskole til vitenskapelig høyskole - Festskrift til Gerson Komissars 80-årsdag

Revang, Øivind (2000)

Strategisk posisjonering, profilering og partnerskap - en internasjonal strateg setter sine spor

Revang, Øivind (red.). Med BI fra aftenskole til vitenskapelig høyskole - Festskrift til Gerson Komissars 80-årsdag

Revang, Øivind (2000)

Et interessant sted å være - en systemdynamiker starter vekst uten grenser

Revang, Øivind (red.). Med BI fra aftenskole til vitenskapelig høyskole - Festskrift til Gerson Komissars 80-årsdag

Revang, Øivind (2000)

Fra privat entreprenørvirksomhet til samfunnsmessig legitimitet - jubilanten legger grunnstenene for videre utvikling

Revang, Øivind (red.). Med BI fra aftenskole til vitenskapelig høyskole - Festskrift til Gerson Komissars 80-årsdag

Revang, Øivind (2000)

Med lønnsomhet som kriterium -en gründer initierer, kopierer, prioriterer og lykkes

Revang, Øivind (red.). Med BI fra aftenskole til vitenskapelig høyskole - Festskrift til Gerson Komissars 80-årsdag

Revang, Øivind (2000)

Sentrale trekk i kunnskapsbedriften BIs utvikling - en organisasjonsteoretisk analyse

Revang, Øivind (red.). Med BI fra aftenskole til vitenskapelig høyskole - Festskrift til Gerson Komissars 80-årsdag

Revang, Øivind (2000)

Med BI fra aftenskole til vitenskapelig høyskole - Festskrift til Gerson Komissars 80-årsdag


Løwendahl, Bente & Revang, Øivind (2000)

On Strategic Assets in a Post-Industrial World: Matching Customers and Competence through Organizational Forms

Global Focus, 12(4), s. 95- 109.

Løwendahl, Bente & Revang, Øivind (1999)

Strategi, ledelse og organisasjon i en postindustriell virkelighet

Underveis til fremtiden. Kunnskapsledelse i teori og praksis

Løwendahl, Bente R. & Revang, Øivind (1998)

Challenges to existing strategy theory in a post-industrial society

Strategic Management Journal, 19(8), s. 755- 773.

Løwendahl, Bente R. & Revang, Øivind (1996)

Rethinking the metaphors of strategic management

Haugland, Sven A. (red.) & Falkenberg, Joyce E. (red.) (red.). Rethinking the boundaries of strategy

Revang, Øivind & Sørensen, Bjørg Aase (1995)

Ledelse og management i Norsk sammenheng: historiske betraktninger og fremtidige utfordringer

Beta, s. 31- 43.

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (1993)

SAS's Strategic Alliances and Information Management

ginman, Mariam (red.). Information Culture and Business Performance

Revang, Øivind & Bonora, Elda A. (1993)

A framework for analyzing the storage and protection of knowledge in organizations - strategic implications and structural arrangements

Lorange, Peter; chakravarthy, bala, Roos, Johan & Van de Ven, Andrew (red.). Implementing Strategic Processes: Change, Learning & Co-Operation

Revang, Øivind (1993)

Competitive strategies in the airline industry – Networks gaining synergy from complexity

Olaisen, Johan (red.). Information Management - A Scandinavian Approach

Revang, Øivind (1993)

Knowledge, skill and information - Some consequences for management and organization design

Olaisen, Johan (red.). Information Management - A Scandinavian Approach

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (1991)

The Significance of Information Technology for Service Quality: From Market Segmentation to Individual Service

International Journal of Service Industry Management, 2(3), s. 26- 47.

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (1991)

Information Management as the Main Component in the Strategy for the 1990s in Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS)

International Journal of Information Management, 11(3), s. 185- 203.

Revang, Øivind (2016)

Formidling er ikke deling

Dagens næringsliv [Kronikk]

Olaisen, Johan Leif & Revang, Øivind (2019)

Making Knowledge Manage Creative, Engaged and Relevant: A Comparative Philosophy of Science Study of IFKAD papers in 2016,2017, and 2018.

[Academic lecture]. IFKAD 2019.

Olaisen, Johan Leif & Revang, Øivind (2019)

Making Knowledge Management More Relevant and Creative: A Comparative Study of ECKM Papers

[Academic lecture]. 20th European Conference on Knowledge Management.

Revang, Øivind & Olaisen, Johan Leif (2019)

Obstacles and Driving Forces in Virtual Knowledge Sharing: A Case- Based Analysis

[Academic lecture]. 20th European Conference on Knowledge Management.

Olaisen, Johan Leif & Revang, Øivind (2018)

The Direction of Knowledge management research: Making the research more creative, engaged and relevant

[Academic lecture]. 19th European Conference on Knowledge Management.

Revang, Øivind & Olaisen, Johan Leif (2018)

Knowledge Management in Turbulent Times - Combining the Soft and Hard Issues

[Academic lecture]. 19th European Conference on Knowledge Management.

Revang, Øivind & Olaisen, Johan Leif (2018)

Facilitating Knowledge Work for Dynamic Value Creation - A Semantic Approach.

[Academic lecture]. The13th IFKAD Conference: "Societal Impact of Knowledge and Design".

Olaisen, Johan Leif & Revang, Øivind (2018)

A comparative philosophy of science study of IFKAD papers 2016 and 2017.

[Academic lecture]. The13th IFKAD Conference: "Societal Impact of Knowledge and Design".

Olaisen, Johan Leif & Revang, Øivind (2018)

The dynamics of knowledge sharing: How to make ordinary people deliver extraordinary results in project teams

[Academic lecture]. European Academy of Management - EURAM 18.

Hennestad, Bjørn Wessel & Revang, Øivind (2017)

Endringsledelse og ledelsesendring (E-bok)

[Scientific book]. Universitetsforlaget.

Revang, Øivind & Olaisen, Johan (2017)

The use of Knowledge Sources to Create Absorptive Capacity - A Case Study

[Academic lecture]. 18th European Conference on Knowledge Management.

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (2017)

The dynamics of business knowledge as societal meaning for creativity in teams II

[Academic lecture]. 18th European Conference on Knowledge Management.

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (2017)

The co-creation of business knowledge as societal meaning in project teams

[Academic lecture]. 12th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD).

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (2017)

Trivialism or pluralism in knowledge management research in the 21st century: Making knowledge management creative and relevant

[Academic lecture]. 12th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics (IFKAD).

Hennestad, Bjørn Wessel & Revang, Øivind (2017)

Endringsledelse og Ledelsesendring – fra plan til praksis

[Scientific book]. Universitetsforlaget.

Olaisen, Johan; Revang, Øivind & Rosendahl, Tom (2017)

Trivialism or Pluralism in Service Research: Making Research Engaged and Scientific

[Academic lecture]. International Research Symposium on Service Excellence in Management.

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (2016)

Virtual Global Teams as Value Creating Tools for Knowledge Sharing and Innovation

[Academic lecture]. 11th International forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics.

Revang, Øivind & Olaisen, Johan (2016)

Dynamic Organizational Development – The Role of Data, Information and Knowledge

[Academic lecture]. 11th International forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics.

Olaisen, Johan; Revang, Øivind & Edvardsson, Bo (2016)

Intellectual property rights as basics for collaborative trust, knowledge sharing and innovation (revised version)

[Academic lecture]. 14th International Research Conference in Service Management.

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (2015)

The Dynamics of Business Knowledge as Societal Meaning

[Academic lecture]. Quality in Services (Quis 14).

Olaisen, Johan; Revang, Øivind & Rosendahl, Tom (2015)

Intellectual Property Rights as Basics for Collaborative Innovations and Knowledge Sharing

[Academic lecture]. Quality in Services (Quis 14).

Revang, Øivind & Olaisen, Johan (2015)

Creating Service Innovations Through Network Relations - A case study in the maritime cluster at Sunnmøre, Norway

[Academic lecture]. Quality in Services (Quis 14).

Revang, Øivind & Olaisen, Johan (2014)

“Navigating The Blue Ocean Of Innovation - A Study Of Antecedents For Ambidextrous Innovation In A Supply Shipping Company”

[Academic lecture]. 15th International CINet (Continuous Innovation Network) Conference.

Revang, Øivind & Olaisen, Johan (2014)

Keeping Ambidexterity and Knowledge Dynamics Onboard - A Case Study of Norwegian Olympic Shipping

[Academic lecture]. 9th International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics.

Skjølsvik, Tale; Løwendahl, Bente R. & Revang, Øivind (2014)

Olympic Winners? – A study of how KIBS-firms position themselves relative to the potential mega-project of the Oslo Winter Olympics 2022

[Academic lecture]. OLKC2014 International conference on organizational learning, knowledge and capabilities.

Rosendahl, Tom; Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (2013)

Internal Communication as Value Creation in a Change Process

[Academic lecture]. Quis 13, The 13th International Research. Symposium on Service Excellence in Management.

Revang, Øivind & Løwendahl, Bente R. (2013)

Multi-Hierarchical PSFs and Contextual Power - Stability and Variation in Authority and Legitimacy

[Academic lecture]. The Novak Druce Annual Conference.

Revang, Øivind & Løwendahl, Bente R (2012)

The Gates are still closed, but the Fences are disappearing:An analysis of the transformation of gatekeeper roles due to digitalization, with case examinations from three industries: the music, the book publishing, and the broadcasting industries

[Academic lecture]. The 32nd Strategic Management Society Annual International Conference.

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (2011)

Crossing Innovation Frontiers

[Academic lecture]. Quis12.

Revang, Øivind & Løwendahl, Bente R. (2006)

Governance of Project-Based Value Creation in Knowledge Intensive Organizations

[Academic lecture]. The 26th annual SMS conference.

Fjeldstad, Øystein D.; Løwendahl, Bente R. & Revang, Øivind (2005)

From Strategic Planning to Strategizing and Organizing in Cyclical Processes - Strategic Management in KIFs

[Academic lecture]. The 25th annual SMS conference.

Revang, Øivind & Løwendahl, Bente R. (2004)

Strategic Flexibility and Efficiency in a New Economy: Balancing Tensions Between Autonomy and Control

[Academic lecture]. The 24th SMS Conference.

Revang, Øivind & Løwendahl, Bente R. (2003)

Challenges in attempts to develop new organizational forms in the knowledge economy - “a grounded case study”

[Academic lecture]. The III Euram Conference.

Løwendahl, Bente R. & Revang, Øivind (2002)

Organizing for Knowledge-Based Value Creation

[Academic lecture]. European Academy of Management.

Revang, Øivind & Løwendahl, Bente R. (2002)

ACROSS THE BORDERLINE - On boundaries and cooperative relationships the 21st century

[Academic lecture]. The 22Annual SMS Conference.

Revang, Øivind & Løwendahl, Bente R. (2001)

Dealing with dynamic environments - Professional service firms and the nature of flexible organizational structures

[Academic lecture]. The 21th Annual SMS conference.

Løwendahl, Bente R. & Revang, Øivind (1999)

Knowledge workers and organizational design - Challenges from incompatible requirements

[Report]. Handelshøyskolen BI.

Revang, Øivind (1999)

Organisatorisk rasjonalitet i kunnskapssamfunnet - hva kan vi lære av profesjonelle tjenesteytende bedrifter når det gjelder ivaretakelse av indre ytre effektivitet?

[Report]. Handelshøyskolen BI.

Revang, Øivind & Hennestad, Bjørn (1999)

Change Management in the liminal period - Instrumental change management through and for change structure

[Academic lecture]. 2nd International Workshop on Organisation of the Future in the "Information Society".

Revang, Øivind & Løwendahl, Bente (1998)

The Hierarchy Strikes Back - A Comparative case study of three organizations trying to be (more) flat, flexible and innovative

[Academic lecture]. 14. EGOS workshop.

Andersen, Svein S & Revang, Øivind (1997)

Bankstrategier i personkundemarkedet - Visjoner eller dynamisk konservatisme?

[Report]. Handelshøyskolen BI.

Andersen, Svein S & Revang, Øivind (1996)

Nye produkter og tjenester i bankenes personkundemarked: Trender drivkrefter og strategi

[Report]. Handelshøyskolen BI.

Løwendahl, Bente R. & Revang, Øivind (1995)

Realizing synergies - coordination in postmodern flexible organizations (version 2)

[Academic lecture]. Nordisk konferanse i Företagsekonomi.

Hennestad, Bjørn Wessel & Revang, Øivind (1995)

The Rationality paradox -Strategic development in multiple stakeholder knowledge center (version 1)

[Academic lecture]. 12 EGOS workshop.

Andersen, Svein S & Revang, Øivind (1995)

Teknologibasert samarbeid og kundedrevet konkurranse - Banknæringen i en brytningstid

[Report]. Forskningssenteret BI.

Løwendahl, Bente R. & Revang, Øivind (1994)

New Roles in Strategic Management Behavior - the manager as a catalyst, broker and director

[Academic lecture]. The 14th Strategic Management Society Conference.

Olaisen, Johan; Revang, Øivind & Johannesen, Jon Arild (1993)

Innovators and Contras - New Cross Boarder Aliances and Innovations in Norwegian Working Life

[Academic lecture]. Cross Boarder Innovations.

Løwendahl, Bente R. & Revang, Øivind (1993)

Challenges to existing strategy theory in a post-industrial society

[Academic lecture]. Rethinking the Boundaries of Strategic Management.

Revang, Øivind (1992)

Strategic Development in the Airline Industry - Scale and Scope Revisited

[Academic lecture]. XII Strategic Management Conference.

Revang, Øivind & Bonora, Elda A. (1991)

A Framework for Analyzing the Storage and Protection of Knowledge in Organizations - Strategic Implications and Structural Arrangements

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Processes Research Conference.

Olaisen, Johan; Revang, Øivind, Larsen, Tor Jermund & Andersen, Svein S (1991)

The Dynamic Learning Organization: Creative Management in Scandinavian Airlines System (SAS)

[Academic lecture]. EIBA. 17th International Conference: An Enlarged Europe.

Revang, Øivind & Bonora, Elda A (1991)

A strategic framework for analyzing professional service firms - Developing strategies for sustained performance

[Academic lecture]. The 21th International SMS Conference.

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (1991)

Bridges and Tunnels, Strategic Alliances and the use of information as components in SASs strategy. Version:II

[Academic lecture]. Thirty-Third annual meeting, Transportation Research Forum.

Olaisen, Johan; Revang, Øivind & Olsen, Geir (1990)

Bridges and Tunnels

[Academic lecture]. The 10th annual SMS conference.

Andersen, Svein S & Revang, Øivind (1990)

Strategisk ledelse og omstilling - Når bedriftsøkonomiske kriterier ikke strekker til

[Academic lecture]. FIBE IIV.

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (1990)

The Significance of Information Technology and Alliances for Service Quality - From Market Segmentation to Individual Services.

[Academic lecture]. The Second International Quality In Services Conference (QUIS II).

Olaisen, Johan & Revang, Øivind (1990)

Information Technology, Strategic Alliances and Service Quality as Critical Success Factors in the Service Industries

[Academic lecture]. X Nordiske Företagsekonomiska kongressen.

Revang, Øivind; Sørensen, Bjørg Aase & Vidnes, Lise (1990)

Utelokalisering, en utfordring til norske ledelsesformer

[Report]. Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet.

Revang, Øivind (1989)

Regneark for kvalitative fagområder, en kravspesifikasjon

[Academic lecture]. Nordisk konferanse i Datastøttet læring i universitets og høgskoleutdanningen.

Revang, Øivind (1985)


Rusten, Dag (red.). Produktivitetslære

Akademisk grad
År Akademisk institusjon Grad
1985 University of Linköping Ekonomie Dr.
1976 BI Norwegian Business School Master of Science in Business
År Arbeidsgiver Tittel
2020 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Professor emeritus
2000 - 2020 BI Norwegian Business School Professor
2006 - 2011 BI Norwegian School of Management Dean Doctoral Studies
2001 - 2006 BI Norwegian School of Management Head of department
1986 - 2000 BI Norwegian Business School Associate Professor
1991 - 1996 Høgskolen i Bodø Adjunct Associate Professor
1986 - 1989 BI Norwegian School of Management Head of Department
1982 - 1986 BI Norwegian Business School Assistant Professor
1976 - 1982 BI Norwegian Business School PhD Candidate