
Anne Live Vaagaasar

Førsteamanuensis - Institutt for ledelse og organisasjon



Müller, Ralf Josef; Alix-Séguin, Charlotte, Alonderiene, Raimonda, Bourgault, Mario, Chmieliauskas, Alfredas, Drouin, Nathalie, Ke, Yongjian, Minelgaite, Inga, Pilkienė, Margarita, Šimkonis, Saulius, Unterhitzenberger, Christine, Vaagaasar, Anne Live, Wang, Linzhuo & Zhu, Fangwei (2024)

A (meta)governance framework for multi-level governance of inter-organizational project networks

Production planning & control (Print), 35(10), s. 1043- 1062. Doi: 10.1080/09537287.2022.2146018 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Vaagaasar, Anne Live; Dille, Therese & Hernes, Tor (2023)


Winch, Graham; Brunet, Maude & Cao, Dongping (red.). Research Handbook on Complex Project Organizing

This chapter attempts to broaden the understanding of the potential of temporality in project management research. First, we illuminate temporality with respect to the temporariness of projects, the project life-cycle, and the role of entrainment in projects. Then, we outline aspects of the ontology of temporality and how it can inform complex project organizing. The ontology of temporality considers projects as highly embedded in multiple temporal flows where past, present, and future are understood as mutually constitutive rather than sequentially ordered. Such a perspective allows for exploring the effects of projects being situated in time and emerging over time. As projects move through time actors weave past, present, and future together in a manner that changes the project over time.

Unterhitzenberger, Christine; Müller, Ralf Josef, Vaagaasar, Anne Live, Ke, Yongjian, Alonderienė, Raimonda, Minelgaite, Inga, Pilkienė, Margarita, Wang, Linzhou, Zhu, Fangwei, Drouin, Nathalie, Chmieliauskas, Alfredas, Šimkonis, Saulius & Mongeon, Mylene (2022)

A Multilevel Governance Model for Interorganizational Project Networks

Project Management Journal Doi: 10.1177/87569728221131254 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

This study operationalizes and tests a multilevel governance model for interorganizational project networks. Results of a qualitative multicase study are used to develop a framework model with three levels of governance, namely metagovernance, governance of networks, and network governance. This framework is validated through a global survey with 225 responses. Type I and Type II governance are confirmed as the organizational elements of network governance, and the relationships between the different levels are established. Metagovernance directly impacts network governance and this relationship is mediated through governance of networks for Type I governance and moderated through governance of networks for Type II governance.

Dille, Therese; Hernes, Tor Øystein & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2022)

Stuck in Temporal Translation? Challenges of discrepant temporal structures in interorganizational project collaboration

Organization Studies Doi: 10.1177/01708406221137841 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

The effects of different temporal structures among actors in interorganizational projects can be hugely consequential, especially for large societal projects. By applying a temporal translation view to a real-time study of an interorganizational project, we studied the influence of differences between such structures during the collaboration. We found that the three participating organizations, having distinctly different temporal structures, adopted different modes of translation, which we identified as integrative, adaptive and transformative. These different modes of translation affected dramatically how the project unfolded, as they impacted differently the time and effort required to adapt to common schedules and deadlines. Our study contributes a processual extension of entrainment theory by shedding light on entrainment as ongoing accomplishment enabled by a translation view. It also contributes to a processual understanding of the temporality of interorganizational projects.

Drouin, Nathalie; Müller, Ralf Josef, Sankaran, Shankar & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2021)

Balancing leadership in projects: Role of the socio-cognitive space

Project Leadership and Society (PLS), 2(1) Doi: 10.1016/j.plas.2021.100031 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Swärd, Anna & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2021)

A Routine Dynamics Lens on the Stability-Change Dilemma in Project-Based Organizations

Project Management Journal, 52(3), s. 278- 286. Doi: 10.1177/8756972820986660 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

A central issue in project-based organizations (PBOs) is how to balance the need for flexibly responding to changing customer demands and creating consistent performance in the organization at large. This article discusses the relevance of a routine dynamics lens for understanding this dilemma. We show how routine dynamics might help to understand how and under what conditions routines—with their dual capacity for stability and change—produce a variety of performances, some stable and some varying, in the PBO. As such, we contribute to the stream of research that seeks to explain how PBOs build capabilities and how they work.

Karlsen, Jan Terje; Solli-Sæther, Hans Arthur, Van Oorschot, Kim & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2021)

Managing trust and control when offshoring information systems development projects by adjusting project goals

International Journal of Technology Management, 85(1), s. 42- 77. Doi: 10.1504/IJTM.2021.113693 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

This article presents a study of two projects focusing on the relationships of two Nordic clients with suppliers in low-cost countries. It explores the interplay between trust and control when offshoring information systems development projects. The key insight reveals that trust is not a substitute for control, no matter its level. The paper offers several contributions. First, we build a conceptual model for exploring the relationship between trust and control and the role of actual project performance. Second, the study reveals that trust supports a team's willingness to share knowledge, and control facilitates its ability to do so. Furthermore, our analysis shows that the impact of trust and control on project performance is better managed through the adjustment of project goals instead of adjusting the levels of trust and control. Finally, we contribute to theory through the development of a causal model of trust, control, actual performance, and project goals.

Hernes, Tor Øystein; Vaagaasar, Anne Live & Dille, Therese (2020)

The Challenges of Implementing Temporal Shifts in Temporary Organizations: Implications of a Situated Temporal View

Project Management Journal Doi: 10.1177/8756972820931

Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Swärd, Anna & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2020)

Temporal shaping of routine patterning.

Reinecke, Juliane; Suddaby, Roy, Langley, Ann & Tsoukas, Haridimos (red.). Time, Temporality, and History in Process Organization Studies

Vaagaasar, Anne Live & Müller, Ralf Josef (2020)

Balansert lederskap

Magma forskning og viten, s. 54- 61. - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Denne artikkelen diskuterer hvordan man kan kombinere vertikalt og horisontalt lederskap effektivt i prosjekter, altså hvordan lederskapet i prosjektet kan skifte mellom teammedlemmer og den formelt utpekte prosjektlederen avhengig av situasjonens krav. Vi konseptualiserer denne kombinasjonen av vertikalt og horisontalt lederskap som balansert lederskap. Et treårig, globalt forskningsprosjekt gir innsikt i når det er hensiktsmessig å skifte lederskapet i prosjektet mellom teammedlemmer og den formelt utpekte prosjektlederen, og hvordan dette kan gjøres. Våre funn indikerer at fem delprosesser sammen bidrar til balansert ledelse i prosjekter. Det er sentralt her hvordan prosjektleder identifiserer teammedlemmer som kan ta ledelsen, og legger til rette for at dette skal kunne skje ved å dyktiggjøre og bemyndige dem, samt hvordan prosjektleder følger opp teammedlemmenes ledelse og tar tilbake ledelsen på en god måte. Avslutningsvis viser vi hva prosjektledere som ønsker balansert lederskap, bør legge vekt på for å oppnå dette. Vi peker på sammenhengen mellom balansert ledelse, prosjektresultater og prosjektsuksess samt hvordan balansert ledelse kan bidra til økt motivasjon og egenutvikling hos prosjektmedlemmer som får større ansvar og en mulighet for å teste ut ulike personers evne til å ta lederansvar.

Vaagaasar, Anne Live; Hernes, Tor Øystein & Dille, Therese (2020)

The Challenges of Implementing Temporal Shifts in Temporary Organizations: Implications of a Situated Temporal View

Project Management Journal, 51(4), s. 420- 428. Doi: 10.1177/8756972820931276 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

We apply a situated temporal view to reveal the acute challenge actors face in making changes when their project moves toward its final deadline. A situated temporal view takes account not just of the dwindling time left to change the future but also the lingering past, the combination of which poses particular challenges to organizers. We discuss aspects of temporary organizing that make such temporal shifts challenging: the complex interplay between temporal structures and practices, multiple temporal orientations, and deferred timing of temporal shifts. We suggest ideas for further research to apply a situated temporal view to temporary organizing.

Vaagaasar, Anne Live; Müller, Ralf Josef & De Paoli, Donatella (2020)

Project managers adjust their leadership: to workspace and project type

International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 13(2), s. 256- 276. Doi: 10.1108/IJMPB-05-2018-0098 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the triadic relationship between project workspace (i.e. spatial context), project type and project manager’s leadership style. It develops the concept of leadership construct (i.e. mental models of leadership to predispose the way leadership is performed) to explain related preferences for workspace and behaviors.

Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Swärd, Anna & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2019)

Routines as truces in temporary multi-organizations

Academy of Management Proceedings, 19(1) Doi: 10.5465/ambpp.2019.14878abstract

Swärd, Anna; Vaagaasar, Anne Live & Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth (2019)

On connectivity, temporality, and organizational change processes

Academy of Management Proceedings, 19(1) Doi: 10.5465/ambpp.2019.14641abstract

Sankaran, Shankar; Vaagaasar, Anne Live & Bekker, Michiel C. (2019)

Assignment of project team members to projects: Project managers’ influence strategies in practice

International Journal of Managing Projects in Business Doi: 10.1108/IJMPB-12-2018-0285 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate how project managers, influence the assignment of project team members by directly assigning or specifying who they want or by indirectly using lateral influence strategies to secure the appropriate resources. This study is part of a wider study investigating the balance between vertical and horizontal leadership in projects in which nomination (or assignment) was identified as a key event contributing to balancing the leadership. It focuses specifically on the nomination or assignment event at the start of a project. Design/methodology/approach: Based on the philosophy of critical realism, case studies were used to collect data through 70 semi-structured interviews in Australia, Scandinavia and South Africa. Interviews were conducted with senior managers, project managers and project team members. Two project team members who worked with the same project manager were interviewed to gather diverse views. The data were analyzed individually by researchers from each location using a coding method proposed by Miles et al. (2014). The researchers then jointly analyzed the findings to arrive at five common themes from that explained how team members were assigned in practice. Findings: Despite the recognized need for project managers to form their own teams, this study found that project team members were often assigned by others. This was because project managers lacked authority to secure their resources. Therefore, they used lateral influence strategies to help with assigning project team members. The study identified five lateral influencing strategies adopted by project managers to assign team members: creating an image of competence; creating coalitions; taking a gamble; waiting for the right moment; and reasoning with facts. Two of these lateral influencing strategies were not identified in the previous literature on influencing strategies used in organizations. Research limitations/implications: The findings should not be viewed as representative of the respective continents where the cases were studied. However, this study contributes to the literature on project management, illuminating how project teams are assigned and by whom and, specifically, the role that influence plays during this event of the balanced leadership theory. It also identifies the types of lateral influence strategies used by project managers when assigning team members to their projects. It provides a pathway to explore the use of lateral influencing strategies by project managers beyond the assignment process. Practical implications: This study will help project managers to become aware of influencing strategies that they can use in practice while assigning team members to their projects. It will also highlight the importance of assigning the right resources to projects with a view to achieving balanced leadership. Originality/value: This research is of value to organizations using projects to successfully deliver their strategies by assigning suitable resources to their projects.

Yu, Miao; Vaagaasar, Anne Live, Müller, Ralf Josef, Wang, Linzhuo & Zhu, Fangwei (2018)

Empowerment: the key to horizontal leadership in project teams

International Journal of Project Management, 36(7), s. 992- 1006. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijproman.2018.04.003 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Leadership in projects can shift between the project manager (a.k.a. vertical leadership) and one or more team members (a.k.a. horizontal leadership). Our study examines the processes, dimensions, and conditions for empowerment of project team members to temporarily assume leadership of project processes. Twenty interviews were conducted in 10 organizations in China. Results show that empowerment for horizontal leadership is a 3-stage process, wherein the project manager takes justification perception and demand factors as essential conditions for his/her empowerment orientation, which in turn frames the announcement, acceptance, control, autonomy and future of horizontal leaders. Four categories of horizontal leaders were revealed, namely Deputies, Future Stars, Bench Players and Oysters. Managerial and theoretical implications are discussed.

Drouin, Nathalie; Müller, Ralf Josef, Sankaran, Shankar & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2018)

Balancing vertical and horizontal leadership in projects: Empirical studies from Australia, Canada, Norway and Sweden

International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 11(4), s. 986- 1006. Doi: 10.1108/IJMPB-01-2018-0002 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Purpose The purpose of this paper is twofold: to identify how horizontal leaders (within project teams) execute their leadership task in the context of balanced leadership; and to pinpoint scenarios that can occur when horizontal leaders are identified and empowered by the vertical leader (senior or project managers) and a project task is handed over to them to lead. This research is based on the concept of balanced leadership, which conceptualizes leadership as a dynamic, situation-dependent transition of leadership authority from a vertical leader (like a project manager) to a horizontal leader (a project team member) and back again, in order to contribute positively to a project’s success. Balanced leadership consists of five events (nomination, identification, empowerment, horizontal leadership and its governance, and transition). This paper focuses on the fourth event, and its specific aspect of leadership distribution between horizontal and vertical leader. This event begins when a team member(s) accepts the empowerment to assume the role of horizontal leader. This paper explicitly links the leadership style of the vertical leader based on Frame’s (1987) leadership styles and the nature of decisions taken by both the vertical and horizontal leaders to deliver the project. Design/methodology/approach The method used for this paper is the qualitative phase of a sequential mixed methods (qualitative-quantitative) study. Data were collected through case studies in four different countries, using a maximum variety sampling approach. Data collection was through interviews of vertical leaders (senior leaders who were often sponsors of projects or members of senior management or project managers) and horizontal leaders (team leaders or members) in a variety of industry sectors. Data analysis was done through initial coding and constant comparison to arrive at themes. Thematic analysis was used to gain knowledge about the split of leadership and decision-making authority between the horizontal and vertical leader(s). Findings The results show that for Canadian and Australian projects, a combination of autocratic and democratic leadership styles were used by vertical leaders. In the case of Scandinavian projects, a democratic leadership style has been observed. Linked to these leadership styles, the horizontal decision making is predominantly focused on technical decisions and to daily task decisions to deliver the project. Delegation occurs most of the time to one specific team member, but occasionally to several team members simultaneously, for them to work collaboratively on a given issue. Research limitations/implications The paper supports a deeper investigation into a leadership theory, by validating one particular event of the balanced leadership theory, which is based on Archer’s (1995) realist social theory. The findings from this paper will guide organizations to facilitate an effective approach to balancing the leadership roles between vertical and horizontal leaders in their projects. The findings can also be used to develop horizontal leaders to take up more responsibilities in projects. Originality/value The originality lies in the new leadership theory called balanced leadership, and its empirical validation. It is the first study on the leadership task distribution between vertical and horizontal leadership in projects. Its value is new insights, which allow practitioners to develop practices to find and empower the best possible leader at any given time in the project and academics to develop a more dynamic and, therefore, more realistic theory on leadership as it unfolds in projects.

Müller, Ralf Josef; Sankaran, Shankar, Drouin, Nathalie, Vaagaasar, Anne Live, Bekker, Michiel C. & Jain, Karuna (2018)

A theory framework for balancing vertical and horizontal leadership in projects

International Journal of Project Management, 36(1), s. 83- 94. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijproman.2017.07.003 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

This paper develops a framework for understanding the interaction between person-centered leadership by project managers (a.k.a. vertical leadership (VLS)) and team-centered leadership by individuals in the project team (a.k.a. horizontal leadership (HSL)). It builds on Archer's Realist Social Theory and its morphogenetic cycle, which describes the interaction of structure with agency for task fulfillment and the resulting reshaping (morphogenesis) or continuation (morphostasis) of structure for subsequent iterations of the cycle. Data were collected globally in 33 case studies with 166 interviews and analyzed using Alvesson's Constructing Mystery technique. A theory about the cycles and events that shape the interaction between VLS and HLS is developed, which includes events such as nomination, identification, selection, execution and governance, as well as transitioning. Managerial and theoretical implications are discussed.

Kokkonen, Anne & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2017)

Managing collaborative space in multi-partner projects

Construction Management and Economics, 36(2), s. 83- 95. Doi: 10.1080/01446193.2017.1347268

Collaboration across company borders in multi-partner construction projects has proven to be challenging. An increasing number of projects aim to strengthen such collaboration by collocating project members from different companies in the same physical space. Yet we know little about the management practices required for taking advantage of such a collaborative space. To begin to remedy this shortcoming, we present an in-depth case study of a hospital construction project that applied a collaborative space and focus on the management practices influencing this space. With the help of affordance theory, we identified two types of management practices and show how they transform across project phases. These management practices included designing the physical elements of the collaborative space, and creating shared collaboration practices for the space. We contribute to the construction management literature by taking the first step in conceptualizing the connections between space, management and collaboration practices in the context of multi-partner projects. We suggest managers to consider carefully what kind of collaboration practices the space is expected to enhance and plan the physical and social space to support it.

Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Swärd, Anna Sundberg & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2016)

Coordinating in construction projects and the emergence of synchronized readiness

International Journal of Project Management, 34(8), s. 1479- 1492. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijproman.2016.08.006

Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2015)

A spatial perspective to leadership in knowledge-intensive projects

Ropo, Arja; Salovaara, Perttu, Sauer, Erika & De Paoli, Donatella (red.). Leadership in spaces and places

Eskerod, Pernille & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2014)

Stakeholder Management Strategies and Practices During a Project Course

Project Management Journal, 45(5), s. 71- 85. Doi: 10.1002/pmj.21447

Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2011)

Stakeholders, decisions and narrations

Proceedings of the Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) Doi: 10.1109/HICSS.2011.383

Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2011)

Development of relationships and relationship competencies in complex projects

International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 4(2), s. 294- 307. Doi: 10.1108/17538371111120252

Andersen, Erling S.; Søderlund, Jonas & Vaagaasar, Anne-Live (2010)

Projects and politics: exploring the duality between action and politics in complex projects

International Journal of Management and Decision Making, 11(2), s. 121- 139.

Andersen, Erling S. & Vaagaasar, Anne-Live (2009)

Project Management Improvement Efforts-Creating Project Management Value By Uniqueness or Mainstream Thinking?

Project Management Journal, 40(1), s. 19- 27. Doi: 10.1002/pmj.20096

Andersen, Erling S.; Dysvik, Anders & Vaagaasar, Anne-Live (2009)

Organizational Rationality and Project Management

International Journal of Managing Projects in Business, 2(4), s. 479- 498.

Hernes, Tor; Schjelderup, Gerhard & Vaagaasar, Anne-Live (2008)

White as snow or milk?

Ch. Garsten and T. Hernes (eds), Ethical Dilemmas in Management

Söderlund, Jonas; Vaagaasar, Anne-Live & Andersen, Erling S. (2008)

Relating, reflecting and routinizing: Developing project competence in cooperation with others. International Journal of Project Management

International Journal of Project Management, 26(5)

Vaagaasar, Anne-Live & Andersen, Erling S. (2007)

On task evolvement in renewal projects

International Journal of Project Management, 25(4), s. 346- 353.

Hernes, Tor; Vaagaasar, Anne-Live & Schjelderup, Gerhard (2005)

Hvit som snø eller melk? Samvittighetshåndtering i kooperativ virksomhet

F. Nyeng and G. Wenn: Organisasjon og emosjoner

Karlsen, Jan Terje; Solli-Sæther, Hans, van Oorschot, Kim & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (1)

Kan du stole på din utenlandske leverandør?

BI Leadership Magazine [Kronikk]

Lombardo, Sebastiano & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2024)

Forskningsfronten på megaprosjekter: Hvor står vi?

[Report]. BI Norwegian Business School.

Skyttermoen, Torgeir & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2023)

Prosjektledelse på 1-2-3

[Non-fiction book]. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Clegg, Stewart R.; Skyttermoen, Torgeir & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2022)

Project Management - A Value Creation Approach. South Asian Adaption.

[Textbook]. SAGE Publications India.

Wang, Linzhuo; Müller, Ralf Josef, Chmieliauskas, Alfredas, Alonderienė, Raimonda, Drouin, Nathalie, Ke, Yongjian, Minelgaite, Inga, Mongeon, Mylene, Pilkiene, Margarita, Šimkonis, Saulius, Unterhitzenberger, Christine, Vaagaasar, Anne Live & Zhu, Fangwei (2022)

Balancing hierarchy and network: Governance of inter-organizational networks for projects

[Academic lecture]. European Academy of Management (EURAM).

Müller, Ralf Josef; Alonderienė, Raimonda, Chmieliauskas, Alfredas, Drouin, Nathalie, Minelgaite, Inga, Pilkienė, Margarita, Šimkonis, Saulius, Unterhitzenberger, Christine, Vaagaasar, Anne Live, Wang, Linzhuo & Zhu, Fangwei (2022)

Governance of Interorganizational Project Networks

[Report]. Project Management Institute.

Skyttermoen, Torgeir & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2021)

Verdiskapende prosjektledelse. 2.utgave

[Non-fiction book]. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Clegg, Stewart Roger; Skyttermoen, Torgeir & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2021)

Project Management: A Value Creation Approach

[Non-fiction book]. Sage Publications.

Project management is an essential life and workplace skill that everyone must develop. Following the popular style and format of other textbooks by Stewart Clegg, this brand new co-authored textbook on project management provides a much needed European perspective to the subject. Drawing on the latest research and practice, the authors guide students on an active learning journey through the project lifespan, promoting a critical and reflexive approach to studying project management, as well as one that creates value for all project stakeholders and emphasizes people and not just process. Case studies and examples discussed in the text cover a wide range of projects from large to smaller across different industries and sectors, both public and private, including: megaprojects (HS2); mega events (Olympics); political projects (Brexit); health-related project implementation (LEAN); tech-related projects (Google); building and restoration projects (housing/Sagrada Familia); and arts and cultural projects (European Capital of Culture). Incorporating a host of learning features both in chapters and via the supporting online resources, this textbook is essential reading for all students/managers completing a course unit in project management at either undergraduate or postgraduate level

Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Swärd, Anna & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2020)

The role of connective technologies in mediating tensions between temporal logics across organizational levels in project based firms

[Academic lecture]. EURAM.

Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Swärd, Anna & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2019)

Routines as truces in temporary multi-organizations

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Meeting.

Swärd, Anna; Vaagaasar, Anne Live & Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth (2019)

On connectivity, temporality, and organizational change processes

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Meeting.

Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Swärd, Anna & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2019)

Connective technologies and temporality in the realm of organizational change processes

[Academic lecture]. Process Symposium.

Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Swärd, Anna & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2019)

Routines as truces in inter-organizational projects

[Academic lecture]. EURAM.

Sankaran, Shankar; Vaagaasar, Anne Live & bekker, giel (2018)

Sankaran, S., Vaagaasar, A. L., & Bekker, M. C. (2018). Nominating project team members with a potential to take on leadership roles in projects. In Proceedings of EURAM 2019, June 20-22, 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland.

[Academic lecture]. EURAM.

Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Swärd, Anna & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2018)

Routines as Truces in multipartner collaborations

[Academic lecture]. Pros Conference,.

Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Swärd, Anna & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2018)

How temporality shapes routine enactment and the understanding of past, present and future routine performance.

[Academic lecture]. Process Symposium.

Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Swärd, Anna & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2018)

Routines in temporary multi-organizations

[Academic lecture]. EGOS colloqium- Tallinn.

Swärd, Anna; Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2017)

Interorganizational Routines

[Academic lecture]. SMS Costa Rica.

Skyttermoen, Torgeir & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2017)

Värdeskapande projektledning

[Non-fiction book]. Studentlitteratur AB.

Värdeskapande projektledning är en grundlig introduktion till projektledning där alla de viktiga temana och teorierna presenteras. Boken kombinerar forskning och teori med praktik och presenterar både etablerade teorier och modeller och moderna goda exempel. Läsaren får en god insikt om hur man genomför projekt i en komplex och osäker verklighet präglad av många aktörer, förhandlingar och ständig förändring.
 ”Den här boken täcker det mesta som man kan säga om projekt och deras funktions­sätt. Boken är visserligen en pedagogisk lärobok, men ger samtidigt en god inblick om forskningen och bekräftar det goda rykte som Skandinavien har som ledande inom projektfältet.”

Vaagaasar, Anne Live & Skyttermoen, Torgeir (2017)


[Non-fiction book]. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Drouin, Nathalie; Müller, Ralf, Sankaran, Shankar, Vaagaasar, Anne Live, Nikolova, Natalia & Jain, Karuna (2017)

Balanced leadership in projects: The concept of socio-cognitive space to support the building of organizational capabilities. The "Project Hat"

[Academic lecture]. IRNOP 2017 Conference.

Müller, Ralf; Sankaran, Shankar, Drouin, Nathalie, Vaagaasar, Anne Live, Bekker, M & Jain, Karuna (2017)

A theory framework for balancing vertical and horizontal leadership in projects

[Academic lecture]. IRNOP 2017.

Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Swärd, Anna Sundberg & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2016)

Hva skal til for å få til effektiv koordinering mellom bedrifter i store komplekse prosjekter?

[Popular scientific article]. Prosjektledelse, 4, s. 25- 27.

Müller, Ralf; Nikolova, Natalia, Sankaran, Shankar, Zhu, Fangwei, Xu, Xiaohang, Vaagaasar, Anne Live & Drouin, Nathalie (2016)

Leading Projects by Balancing Vertical and Horizontal Leadership –International Case Studies

[Academic lecture]. European Academy of Management Conference (EURAM).

Vaagaasar, Anne Live; Van Oorschot, Kim & Karlsen, Jan Terje (2015)

Kan du stole på din utenlandske leverandør?

[Popular scientific article]. BI Business Review

Skyttermoen, Torgeir & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2015)

Organisering av verdiskapende innovasjonsprosjekter

[Academic lecture]. Neon.

Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Swärd, Anna Sundberg & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2015)

The space where hirarchical and lateral coordination mechanisms meet in inter-organizational projects.

[Academic lecture]. Apros-Egos.

Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Swärd, Anna Sundberg & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2015)

Creating space for coordinating and cooperating in construction projects: The role of Sociomaterial practices

[Academic lecture]. Apros-Egos.

Karlsen, Jan Terje; Solli-Sæther, Hans, Solli-Sæther, Hans, van Oorschot, Kim & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2015)

Kan du stole på din utenlandske leverandør?

[Popular scientific article]. BI Business Review

Müller, Ralf; Vaagaasar, Anne Live, Nikolova, Natalia, Sankaran, Shankar & Drouin, Nathalie (2015)

The socio-cognitive space for linking horizontal and vertical leadership

[Academic lecture]. APROS EGOS Conference.

Swärd, Anna Sundberg; Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2015)

Coordinating inter-firm projects: the role of synchronised readiness as an integrative condition

[Academic lecture]. IRNOP conference.

Skyttermoen, Torgeir & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2015)

Verdiskapende prosjektledelse

[Textbook]. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Solli-Sæther, Hans; Vaagaasar, Anne Live, van Oorschot, Kim & Karlsen, Jan Terje (2013)

The organizing of offshoring projects: Copying with control mechanisms and trust

[Academic lecture]. 11th edition of IRNOP (International Research Network on Organizing by Projects).

Solli-Sæther, Hans; Karlsen, Jan Terje, Vaagaasar, Anne Live & van Oorschot, Kim (2013)

Offshoring i partnerskap

[Popular scientific article]. Prosjektledelse, s. 8- 14.

Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2013)

Interfirm project organizing

[Academic lecture]. 22nd Nordic Academy of Management Conference in Reykjavik.

Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2013)

Organizing the inter-organizational construction project: A review of challenges, trends and debates

[Academic lecture]. 11th IRNOP Conference.

Bygballe, Lena Elisabeth; Swärd, Anna Sundberg & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2013)

The practices of organizing in multiparty collaborations

[Academic lecture]. 33rd annual SMS Conference in Atlanta.

De Paoli, Donatella; Vaagaasar, Anne Live & Müller, Ralf (2013)

Project Leadership and Work Space

[Academic lecture]. IRNOP XI Conference (International Research Network for Organizing by Projects).

Vaagaasar, Anne Live & Therese, Dille (2012)

Temporal complexity in projects

[Academic lecture]. EGOS.

Vaagaasar, Anne Live & Pernille, Eskerod (2012)

Mixed staholder strategies for trust maintainence

[Academic lecture]. Egos.

Vaagaasar, Anne Live & Eskrod, Pernille (2012)

Bad cop - good cop, a stakeholder strategy

[Academic lecture]. International Buiseness project workshop.

De Paoli, Donatella Maria & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2012)

The role of space and place for project work

[Academic lecture]. 28th EGOS Conference.

Dysvik, Anders; Vaagaasar, Anne Live & Andersen, E.S (2008)

Exploring different project perspectives

[Academic lecture]. EURAM annual conference.

Andersen, Erling S.; Dysvik, Anders & Vaagaasar, Anne Live (2008)

Explaining Different Project Perspectives

[Academic lecture]. EURAM Annual Conference 2008 Ljubljana.

Nilsen, Etty & Vaagaasar, Anne-Live (2008)

Learning and knowing through sencing practice

[Academic lecture]. OLKC 2008 Conference, International conference on Organizational learning, knowledge and capabilities.

Vaagaasar, Anne-Live; Hernes, Tor & Nilsen, Etty (2007)

Enacting a case - of what? Methodological reflections on drawing case boundaries in a tangled reality

[Academic lecture]. The Third Organization Studies Summer Workshop, EGOS.

Kolltveit, Bjørn Johs.; Hjertø, Kjell Brynjulf & Vaagaasar, Anne-Live (2005)

Teamutvikling og teamsammensetning i prosjekter : sluttrapport fra TeamPro prosjektet

[Report]. Norsk senter for prosjektledelse.

Dokumentet er et et resultat av "Prosjekt: P016 Teamsammensetning og teamutvikling i prosjekter" -

Vaagaasar, Anne-Live & Nilsen, Etty (2005)

Multivoicedness in organisational identity construction Knowledge creation as the alignment of interests

[Academic lecture]. 6th International conference on Organizational Learning and Knowledge.

Akademisk grad
År Akademisk institusjon Grad
2006 BI Norwegian Business School Ph.D.
2000 University of Oslo Master in Psycology and Educational Science
År Arbeidsgiver Tittel
2006 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Associate Professor