
Jan-Michael Becker

Førsteamanuensis - Institutt for markedsføring


Jan-Michael Becker is an associate professor in the department of marketing at the BI Norwegian Business School. He has received his doctorate degree from the University of Cologne where he was also an assistant professor in the German habilitation system (“Akademischer Rat”). He has been a visiting scholar at Georgia State University, Atlanta, USA and at University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand as well as an external lecturer at the University of Tübingen, Germany.
His research has been published in several premier academic journals, including Journal of the Academy of Markteing Science (JAMS), International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM), Information Systems Research, MIS Quarterly, Psychometrika, Nature Human Behavior, Multivariate Behavioral Research, Long Range Planning, Journal of Business Research, and Marketing Letters.
He is a co-developer and co-founder of SmartPLS (www.smartpls.com) which offers a software application for modeling structural equation models with Partial Least Squares (PLS) path modeling.
His research interest and expertise focus on the digital transformation of marketing and consumer behavior as well as marketing analytics, behavioral research methods and computational statistics.

For more information on publications and current research activities please visit:
Researchgate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jan_Michael_Becker
Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.de/citations?user=6-gGk0UAAAAJ
Web of Science: https://www.webofscience.com/wos/author/rid/L-8838-2018
Scopus: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55471403200


Becker, Jan-Michael; Völckner, Franziska & Sattler, Henrik (2024)

How Important Is Word of Mouth? Development, Validation, and Application of a Scale

Journal of Interactive Marketing, 59(3), s. 273- 293. Doi: 10.1177/10949968231215362 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Karagür, Zeynep; Becker, Jan-Michael, Klein, Kristina & Edeling, Alexander (2022)

How, Why, and When Disclosure Type Matters for Influencer Marketing

International Journal of Research in Marketing, 39(2), s. 313- 335. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijresmar.2021.09.006 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Consumers’ changing media consumption behaviors and skepticism toward traditional forms of advertising have prompted the growth of influencer marketing. Even as regulatory authorities call on brands and influencers to disclose the posts as advertising, no consistent guidelines exist. The distinct effects of self-generated versus platform-initiated disclosures also remain unclear, nor has research addressed the interplay of key influencer characteristics and marketing disclosures. This article reports on findings from the first academic field study of influencer marketing disclosures, as well as three experimental studies, which indicate that disclosure is a double-edged sword. When provided through a platform-initiated branded content tool, disclosure consistently exerts the strongest effect on perceptions of advertising, negatively relating to influencer trustworthiness and consumer engagement. The effects of disclosure type also depend on the number of followers and number of previously endorsed products (i.e., influencer characteristics). Yet consumers also express appreciation for transparency when influencers disclose posts as advertising, which increases perceived trustworthiness of the influencer and engagement with the post. The implications of these findings should inform choices by public policy makers, brand managers, and influencers.

Becker, Jan-Michael; Proksch, Dorian & Ringle, Christian M. (2022)

Revisiting Gaussian copulas to handle endogenous regressors

Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 50, s. 46- 66. Doi: 10.1007/s11747-021-00805-y - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Marketing researchers are increasingly taking advantage of the instrumental variable (IV)-free Gaussian copula approach. They use this method to identify and correct endogeneity when estimating regression models with non-experimental data. The Gaussian copula approach’s original presentation and performance demonstration via a series of simulation studies focused primarily on regression models without intercept. However, marketing and other disciplines’ researchers mainly use regression models with intercept. This research expands our knowledge of the Gaussian copula approach to regression models with intercept and to multilevel models. The results of our simulation studies reveal a fundamental bias and concerns about statistical power at smaller sample sizes and when the approach’s primary assumptions are not fully met. This key finding opposes the method’s potential advantages and raises concerns about its appropriate use in prior studies. As a remedy, we derive boundary conditions and guidelines that contribute to the Gaussian copula approach’s proper use. Thereby, this research contributes to ensuring the validity of results and conclusions of empirical research applying the Gaussian copula approach.

Rigdon, Edward E.; Sarstedt, Marko & Becker, Jan-Michael (2020)

Quantify Uncertainty in Behavioral Research

Nature Human Behaviour, 4(April), s. 329- 331. Doi: 10.1038/s41562-019-0806-0

The behavioral sciences underestimate the uncertainty of research fndings and thus overestimate replicability. Metrologists in the physical sciences quantify all material components of uncertainty, even if some components must be quantifed using non-statistical means. Behavioral science should follow suit.

Söllner, Matthias; Mishra, Abhay N, Becker, Jan-Michael & Leimeister, Jan Marco (2024)

Use IT Again? Dynamic Roles of Habit, Intention and their Interaction on Continued System Use by Individuals in Utilitarian, Volitional Contexts

European Journal of Information Systems, 33(1), s. 80- 96. Doi: 10.1080/0960085X.2022.2115949 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

This paper employs a longitudinal perspective to examine continued system use (CSU) by individuals in utilitarian, volitional contexts when alternative systems are present . We focus on two key behavioural antecedents of CSU – habit and continuance intention – and theorise how the relationships between CSU and these antecedents evolve over time. In addition, we hypothesise how the interaction effect of habit and intention on CSU evolves temporally. Our theorising differs from extant literature in two important respects: 1) In contrast to the widespread acceptance of the diminishing effect of continuance intention on CSU in the information systems (IS) literature, we hypothesise that in our context, its impact increases with time; and 2) In contrast to the negative moderation effect of habit on the relationship between intention and CSU proposed in the literature, we posit a positive interaction effect. We collect longitudinal survey data on the use of a higher education IS from students in a European university. Our results suggest that the impact of continuance intention on CSU as well as the interaction effect between habit and intention are increasing over time. We further introduce a methodological innovation – the permutation approach to conduct the multi-group analysis with repeated measures – to the literature.

Lins, Sebastian; Becker, Jan-Michael, Lyytinen, Kalle & Sunyaev, Ali (2023)

A Design Theory for Certification Presentations

Data Base for Advances in Information Systems, 54(3), s. 75- 118. Doi: 10.1145/3614178.3614183 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Prior information system research remains inconsistent of the effects of system certifications. In their current use, certifications are often reduced to graphical seals. This approach fails to incorporate detailed assurance information emanating from the certification process. To address this gap, we adopt a design science approach and deploy a four-phase research design to clarify how to design impactful IS certification presentations. First, we identify sources of users’ limited understanding of seals and formulate a design proposal for a certification presentation by drawing upon the elaboration likelihood model. In the second phase, we formulate and validate a set of design meta-requirements and guidelines to improve certification presentation, using cognitive load theory and Toulmin’s model of argumentation as kernel theories. In the third phase, new certification presentations that comply with the proposed guidelines are developed and evaluated for their effectiveness. We show that presentations that augment seal-based certification presentations with richer assurance information improve certification effectiveness. This increases users’ assurance and trust perceptions when the presentations align with the users’ cognitive information processing needs in ways that reduce their cognitive load and enhance argument quality of assurance information.

Becker, Jan-Michael; Cheah, Jun-Hwa, Gholamzade, Rasoul, Ringle, Christian M. & Sarstedt, Marko (2023)

PLS-SEM’s most wanted guidance

International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management, 35(1), s. 321- 346. Doi: 10.1108/IJCHM-04-2022-0474 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Purpose – Partial least squares structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) has attracted much attention from both methodological and applied researchers in various disciplines – also in hospitality management research. As PLS-SEM is relatively new compared to other multivariate analysis techniques, there are still numerous open questions and uncertainties in its application. This study aims to address this important issue by offering guidance regarding its use in contexts with which researchers struggle. Design/methodology/approach – The authors examine the most prominent questions and answers posed in a well-known PLS-SEM discussion forum. The authors do so by using a text analysis technique to identify the most salient topics. Findings – The data analysis identifies three salient PLS-SEM topics (i.e. bootstrapping and significance testing, higher-order constructs and moderation). Research limitations/implications – The results allow us to address the PLS-SEM community’s main methodological issues. The authors discuss each area separately and provide explanations and guidelines. Practical implications – The guidelines on the most important PLS-SEM topics provide decision-making and application aids. In this way, the authors make a decisive contribution to clarifying ambiguities when applying the PLS-SEM method in hospitality management research and other disciplines. Originality/value – There has as yet been no systematic analysis of this kind in the field of PLS-SEM; the authors, therefore, present the first research results. The findings and recommendations provide guidance for PLS-SEM applications in hospitality research and practice.

Rigdon, Edward E.; Becker, Jan-Michael & Sarstedt, Marko (2019)

Parceling Cannot Reduce Factor Indeterminacy in Factor Analysis: A Research Note

Psychometrika, 84(3), s. 772- 780. Doi: 10.1007/s11336-019-09677-2

Parceling—using composites of observed variables as indicators for a common factor—strengthens loadings, but reduces the number of indicators. Factor indeterminacy is reduced when there are many observed variables per factor, and when loadings and factor correlations are strong. It is proven that parceling cannot reduce factor indeterminacy. In special cases where the ratio of loading to residual variance is the same for all items included in each parcel, factor indeterminacy is unaffected by parceling. Otherwise, parceling worsens factor indeterminacy. While factor indeterminacy does not affect the parameter estimates, standard errors, or fit indices associated with a factor model, it does create uncertainty, which endangers valid inference.

Rigdon, Edward E.; Becker, Jan-Michael & Sarstedt, Marko (2019)

Factor Indeterminacy as Metrological Uncertainty: Implications for Advancing Psychological Measurement

Multivariate Behavioral Research, 54(3), s. 429- 443. Doi: 10.1080/00273171.2018.1535420

Researchers have long been aware of the mathematics of factor indeterminacy. Yet, while occasionally discussed, the phenomenon is mostly ignored. In metrology, the measurement discipline of the physical sciences, uncertainty – distinct from both random error (but encompassing it) and systematic error – is a crucial characteristic of any measurement. This research argues that factor indeterminacy is uncertainty. Factor indeterminacy fundamentally threatens the validity of psychometric measurement, because it blurs the linkage between a common factor and the conceptual variable that the factor represents. Acknowledging and quantifying factor indeterminacy is important for progress in reducing this component of uncertainty in measurement, and thus improving psychological measurement over time. Based on our elaborations, we offer a range of recommendations toward achieving this goal.

Akademisk grad
År Akademisk institusjon Grad
2011 University of Cologne Dr.rer.pol
År Arbeidsgiver Tittel
2020 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Associate professor
2011 - 2020 University of Cologne Assistant professor in the german habilitation system
2007 - 2011 University of Cologne Doctoral student, research and teaching assistant