
Ola Morris Innset

Postdoktorstipendiat - Institutt for rettsvitenskap og styring


I am interested in most things having to do with political economy, intellectual history, history of economic thought and economic- and political history. I did my PhD in History and Civilisation at the European University Institute from 2013 to 2017, with a thesis in intellectual micro-history on early neoliberalism. It won the History of Economics Society's annual dissertation prize and was published as the book Reinventing Liberalism - The Politics, Philosophy and Economics of Early Neoliberalism (1920 - 1947) by Springer in 2020. After finishing my PhD, I wrote a monograph in Norwegian on the history of market reforms in Norway, entitled Markedsvendingen - Nyliberalismens historie i Norge (Fagbokforlaget, 2020).

I am currently employed on a project related to the role of the Norwegian state as the largest owner in publicly listed companies, and I continue to publish research on topics related to neoliberalism and the history of economic thought.



Innset, Ola (2023)

From open borders to ‘rasisit’: libertarianism and populism on the Scandinavian periphery (1980–1994)

Journal of Political Ideologies, s. 373- 391. Doi: 10.1080/13569317.2023.2249647 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

In 1980s Norway, a group committed to libertarian ideology became influential within Fremskrittspartiet. This new party became known for its opposition not only to taxation and public spending, but also to non-western immigration. The libertarians within the same party, however, advocated open borders. The libertarians were ousted from the party in 1994, but libertarianism has remained a key plank in the party’s otherwise national-conservative ideology. Crossovers and alliances between cosmopolitan libertarians and nationalistic anti-immigration groups have become commonplace, and through an analysis of the Norwegian libertarian movement, I argue that these are possible due to the idea of open borders only holding a peripheral position within libertarian ideology. The issue of open borders was given some attention in debates between libertarians and populists within FrP, but was not an important ideological concept for the intellectuals behind the libertarian journal Ideer om Frihet. The article thus argues that a commitment to what we may call cosmopolitanism does exist within libertarianism and may be used to make sense of core concepts such as individualism, freedom and markets, but is nonetheless expendable for most libertarians, as they were for the Norwegian libertarians who found a home in the country’s most nativist political party.

Innset, Ola (2023)

Context and the Neoliberalism Wars

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Œconomia – Histoire/Epistémologie/Philosophie, 13(1), s. 101- 114. Doi: 10.4000/oeconomia.14061

Innset, Ola (2023)

Dual Argument, Double Truth: On the Continued Importance of the State in Neoliberal Thought.

Journal of the History of Economic Thought (JHET) Doi: 10.1017/S105383722200044X - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

It has been established that the neoliberal creed arising in the interwar and early postwar years, despite its strong rejection of economic planning, also entailed a rejection of laissez-faire liberalism. This article argues that recent attempts at construing early neoliberalism as thus being a more nuanced or moderate creed than later iterations are nonetheless flawed. The “dual argument” of early neoliberalism indicated a new approach to market liberalism in which the state was not seen as the market’s opposite but rather its precondition. This important move is obscured by the language of moderation and nuance. In place of “the radicalization thesis,” the second part of the article considers Philip Mirowski’s concept of a “double-truth doctrine” and argues that an appreciation of the state for social and economic governance is a common feature of different neoliberalisms, which nonetheless differ in their preferred policy suggestions for the use of state power.

Innset, Ola (2020)

Markedsvendingen. Nyliberalismens historie i Norge


Innset, Ola (2020)

Reinventing Liberalism. The Politics, Philosophy and Economics of Early Neoliberalism (1920 - 1947)


Innset, Ola (2024)

State-owned enterprises after the market turn: Hybridisation and the historical development of nested paradoxes in the case of Norway

Business History Doi: 10.1080/00076791.2024.2353661

Innset, Ola & Rudberg, Elin Åström (2024)

Varieties of Marketization

Nordisk välfärdsforskning | Nordic Welfare Research, 9(1), s. 11- 27. Doi: 10.18261/nwr.9.1.2

Innset, Ola (2024)

Tor Bjørklund i samarbeid med Axel Fjeldavli Norske partier og velgere. Valgresultatenes historiske røtter

Historisk Tidsskrift (Norge), 103(1), s. 69- 72. Doi: 10.18261/ht.103.1.8 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Innset, Ola (2022)

Metahistory as Public History: On Introducing Metahistorical Perspectives in Events about Events

History: The Journal of the Historical Association, s. 392- 407. Doi: 10.1111/1468-229X.13265

This article argues that the introduction of ‘metahistorical perspectives’ can greatly enrich the practice of public history. Through the example of a series of public events about important historical events held at the National Library of Norway, it is argued that an attention to microhistory, pedagogical theory and especially William Sewell Jr.’s theory of events can be beneficial when programming events for the general public. This focus on ‘metahistorical perspectives’ in the practice of public history stands in contrast to widely held notions of public history as entailing simplifications and ‘dumbing down’ of academic knowledge.

Innset, Ola (2021)

An Army of Fighters for Freedom. The social environment of the first Mont Pélerin-Society conference

Revue d' Economie politique, 131(5), s. 753- 776. Doi: 10.3917/redp.315.0035

In 1944, Friedrich Hayek gave a lecture at Stanford University where he referred to the organization he was planning to set up as “an army of fighters for freedom”. This article investigates the social environment of “Hayek’s army” by looking specifically at the founding conference of the Mont-Pèlerin Society, some three years later. An exploration of this famous 10-day conference in the Swiss Alps shows that the transnational group of neoliberal thinkers was characterized by social privilege, something that contributes to contextualising their rightleaning political views. Several of the American conference attendees hailed from more modest backgrounds than their European counter parts, however, and the views on display during the conference were far from uniform. This was especially the case when discussions centred on redistribution and poverty, where, to widespread criticism, Milton Friedman presented his famous proposal for a negative income tax.

Innset, Ola (2020)

Review of Janek Wasserman’s The Marginal Revolutionaries: How Austrian Economists Fought the War of Ideas. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2019, 354 pp.

Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics, 13(2) Doi: 10.23941/ejpe.v13i2.517

Hverven, Sigurd; Dybedahl, Oscar, Innset, Ola & Kristjánsson, Mímir (2019)

Avkledd liberalisme

Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift, s. 41- 52. Doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-3054-2019-01-05

Aven, Håvard Brede & Innset, Ola (2018)

Konservatisme, nyliberalisme og statsdrift. Høyres syn på statseid industri 1945–1981

Historisk Tidsskrift (Norge), 97(2), s. 132- 151. Doi: 10.18261/issn.1504-2944-2018-02-04

Det har blitt hevdet at Høyres økonomiske politikk i etterkrigsårene stort sett bestod i å «stabbe imot» men la seg trekke med av Arbeiderpartiets økonomiske politikk. I denne artikkelen viser vi imidlertid at Høyre aktivt støttet statseid industri i flere tilfeller, og at Høyre formulerte begrunnelser for dette i tråd med sine konservative idealer. Dette beviser dermed ikke floskelen om at «alle nordmenn er sosialdemokrater», men forteller oss isteden noe om hvordan merkelapper som «konservativ» og «sosialdemokratisk» er sterkt foranderlige. I etterkrigsårene var det høyst uklart for de fleste hva en konservativ økonomisk politikk egentlig innebar, og denne artikkelen kontrasterer og sammenligner Høyres forsøk på å definere dette med den samtidige utviklingen av nyliberalisme som et transnasjonalt politisk prosjekt. De tidlige nyliberalistene ønsket en sterk stat for å legge til rette for markedsmekanismer, noe som eksemplifiserer hvordan bildet av økonomisk politikk som en pendel mellom stat og markeder er forenklende og tidvis misvisende.

Innset, Ola (2017)

Markets, Knowledge and Human Nature: Friedrich Hayek, Karl Polanyi and Twentieth-century Debates on Modern Social Order

European History Quarterly Doi: 10.1177/0265691417720866

Innset, Ola (2016)

Nyliberalisme - filosofi eller politisk rasjonalitet?


Innset, Ola; Nguyen Vu, Thuc Linh & Hansson, John-Erik (2015)

Precarity and Neoliberalism, Resistance and Solidarity. Work and the Future of the University

Krisis: Tijdschrift voor actuele filosofie

Innset, Ola; Nguyen Vu, Thuc Linh & Hansson, John-Erik (2015)

Precarity and Neoliberalism, Resistance and Solidarity: Work in the New University

Krisis: Tijdschrift voor actuele filosofie

Innset, Ola (1)

Håpe på Arbeiderpartiet?

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Makt uten ansvar

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Sett oss i sving!

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Tomt på kontoen?

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Presidentens deal

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Tjener eller herre?

Dagens næringsliv [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Ap og høyrebølgen

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Glorifisert marked

Dagens næringsliv [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Naiv tro på markedsmekanismene

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Selvstendig sparegris

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Nyliberalisme før og nå

Morgenbladet [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Den tapte våren

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Bundet til oljemasta

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Aldri mer 12. mars

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Jo, vi har råd

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Tenk om det går

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

En råtten avokado

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Veien videre

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Ti tusen milliarder

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Exit demokratiet

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Prisen for kunnskap

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)


Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

SVs skjebnevalg

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Til Dovre faller

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)


Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)


Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Slipp pressen fri

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Digital kapital

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Nyliberal splittelse

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Nyliberalismens nytte

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Den rette tro

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)


Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Vage visjoner

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Angrende syndere

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)


Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Falsk konsensus

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Den indre fienden

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)


Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Sosial liberalisme?

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)


Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)


Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Nytt håp

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Folkets styre

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)


Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Alle mann alle

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Den falske prisen

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)


Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Frie markeder?

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

I skyggen av den kalde krigen

Dagsavisen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Tunga rett i munnen

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

En styrkeprøve

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Gamle merkelapper

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Spill for galleriet

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Et nytt Europa

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)


Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Kjært kjøtt

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)


Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Breiviks banalitet

Minervanett [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Totalitære utopier

Manifest tidsskrift [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Konstruktivt ubehag

Manifest tidsskrift [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Marx og oss

Le Monde Diplomatique [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Ulikt tenkte tanker (29.08.2017)

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Workers of Europe: Compete? (Roarmag#10)

Roaramag.org [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Transnasjonalt gjennombrud - 18.9.2020

Agenda Magasin [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (1)

Med markedet mot bunnen - 18.9.2020

Klassekampen [Kronikk]

Hverven, Sigurd; Innset, Ola, Dybedahl, Oscar & Kristjánsson, Mímir (1)

Trump og høyrepopulistene er liberalismens lausunger

Dagbladet [Kronikk]

Innset, Ola (2023)

Ideen som trollbinder både Silicon Valley-kapitalister og europeiske sosialister

[Popular scientific article]. Morgenbladet

Innset, Ola (2022)

Neoliberalism as Common Sense Conservatism: Kåre Willoch's Translation of Henry Hazlitt

[Academic lecture]. Political Cultures of Conservatism in North-Western Europea 1945 - 1990 Conference.

Innset, Ola (2022)

State Ownership in the HQ Economy

[Academic lecture]. Business History Conference 2022.

Innset, Ola (2022)

Preteritum maskin

[Popular scientific article]. Vinduet

Innset, Ola (2022)

The Paradox of Stateowned Enterprise Hybrids

[Academic lecture]. European Business History Association Annual Congress.

Innset, Ola (2021)

Paradoxes of innovation in a hybrid SOE

[Academic lecture]. Paradox and history - Organizations in time.

Innset, Ola (2021)

Kunst som velferd

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Vinduet

Innset, Ola (2021)

Idé til personlighet

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Vinduet

Innset, Ola (2021)

Børs uten katedral

[Popular scientific article]. Vinduet

Herning, Linn & Innset, Ola (2020)

Når staten skal leke butikk

Hverven, Sigurd; Innset, Ola, Kristjánsson, Mímir & Dybedahl, Oscar (red.). Markedsmennesker: Kritikk av tidsånden

Hverven, Sigurd; Innset, Ola, Kristjánsson, Mímir & Dybedahl, Oscar (2020)

Forord: Markedet og det nye mennesket

Hverven, Sigurd; Innset, Ola, Kristjánsson, Mímir & Dybedahl, Oscar (red.). Markedsmennesker: Kritikk av tidsånden

Hverven, Sigurd; Innset, Ola, Kristjánsson, Mímir & Dybedahl, Oscar (2020)

Markedsmennesker: Kritikk av tidsånden

[Popular scientific book]. Dreyer Forlag A/S.

Innset, Ola (2019)

Neoliberalism with Norwegian characteristics

[Academic lecture]. RENEW - 3rd Nordic Challenges Conference.

Innset, Ola (2018)


[Academic lecture]. Norske historiedager.

Innset, Ola (2017)

The Dual Argument

[Academic lecture]. European Consortium of Political Research Annual Meeting.

Innset, Ola (2017)

Nyliberalisme på norsk

[Academic lecture]. Norske historiedager.

Innset, Ola (2017)

The Contradiction in the Dual Argument

[Academic lecture]. European Society for the History of Economic Thought Annual Conference.

Innset, Ola (2017)

The Contradiction in the Dual Argument

[Academic lecture]. Early Career Seminar in the History of Political Thought.

Innset, Ola (2017)

Ulikt tenkte tanker

[Popular scientific article]. Klassekampen

Innset, Ola (2017)

Nyliberalisme - ny eller gammel?

Hverven, Sigurd; Innset, Ola, Kristjánsson, Mímir & Dybedahl, Oscar (red.). Ingen mennesker er født frie: Kritikk av liberalismen

Hverven, Sigurd; Innset, Ola, Kristjánsson, Mímir & Dybedahl, Oscar (2017)

Ingen mennesker er født frie: Kritikk av liberalismen

[Popular scientific book]. Dreyer Forlag A/S.

Innset, Ola (2016)

The Contradiction in the Dual Argument

[Academic lecture]. INET Young Scholars Initiative First Annual Plenary.

Innset, Ola (2016)

Early Neoliberalism and the Dual Argument

[Academic lecture]. Arne Ryding-symposiet.

Innset, Ola (2016)

The Dual Argument

[Academic lecture]. History of Economics Society Annual Meeting.

Innset, Ola (2016)

The Road TO Mont Pelerin

[Academic lecture]. Roads from Mont Pelerin 2.

Innset, Ola (2016)

Early Neoliberalism and Totalitarianism Theory

[Academic lecture]. Why Neoliberalism? On Critique and Method.

Innset, Ola (2016)

Marx og oss

[Popular scientific article]. Le Monde Diplomatique

Innset, Ola (2016)

Ny liberalisme, ny kapitalisme

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Røyst

Innset, Ola (2016)

The Slippery Slopes

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. The Baffler

Innset, Ola (2015)

Totalitarianism and neoliberalism

[Academic lecture]. London Summer School of Intellectual History.

Innset, Ola (2015)

Totalitær Anti-totalitarist? –Franz Borkenaus ferd fra Komintern til CIA

Sørensen, Øystein; Hagtvet, Bernt & Brandal, Nik. (red.). Demokratisk beredskap. Intellektuell motstand mot totalitære fristelser

Innset, Ola (2014)

Hayek, Polanyi and totalitarianism –enforcing economic arguments

[Academic lecture]. Hayek/Polanyi, Questioning the Utopian Springs of the Market Economy”.

Innset, Ola (2014)

Franz Borkenau. Europa 1900 - 1957

[Popular scientific book]. Dreyer Forlag A/S.

Innset, Ola (2013)

Baklengs inn i framtida

[Article in business/trade/industry journal]. Fortid

Akademisk grad
År Akademisk institusjon Grad
2017 European University Institute PhD