
Stine Winger Minde

Høyskolelektor - Institutt for rettsvitenskap og styring



Bråthen, Tore Kristian & Minde, Stine Winger (2024)

To What Extent Must, and Can, the Boards of Norwegian Limited Liability Companies and Public Limited Liability Companies Consider Sustainability?

Oslo Law Review, 10(2) Doi: 10.18261/olr.10.2.8 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

The article discusses the Norwegian judicial framework for the work by boards of limited liability companies with sustainability. Sustainability regulation is no longer a result of more or less targeted political initiatives, it largely presents as a coherent system of rules and it has in many ways indisputably been integrated into the field of company law in Norway. The starting point for the analysis is that the boards of Norwegian limited liability companies and public limited liability companies are expected to create value for their owners, but they are also expected to do this in a sustainable manner. Therefore, we firstly give a description of the ‘company interest’ and its central elements. The article seeks among other things to demonstrate the trade-off between profit seeking and the board’s right and duty to integrate sustainability in the management of the company. The board’s work on sustainability in limited liability companies and public limited liability companies must be carried out within the framework stipulated by company law and other legislation, the company’s articles of associa- tion, and the company’s other governing bodies. Neither the Limited Liability Companies Act nor the Public Limited Liability Companies Act includes any specific statutory regulation of sustainability. A starting point is, therefore, that the company law framework for the board’s work on sustainability is constituted by the general rules in the Com- panies Acts on the board’s right and duty to manage the company in accordance with the company interest. Nor- wegian company law is stakeholder-oriented and takes into account both shareholder interests and stakeholder interests. Company interest includes the interests of shareholders, employees, counterparties, creditors and society as a whole. As pointed out in the article, these interests include what can be described as ‘sustainability considerations’. The boards of limited liability companies and public limited liability companies must exercise their management of the company within the statutory framework. This framework also includes mandatory legislation other than the Companies Acts, for example the legislation dealing with sustainability matters. For public limited companies listed on the stock exchange, the Norwegian Code of Practice for Corporate Governance includes a specific expectation that the board must integrate sustainability into its governance of the company’s business activities. Another important question is to what extent the board can attach importance to sustainability considerations. It is a prerequisite for companies to be able to consider environmental and social considerations that they are financially sustainable. How- ever, it is conceivable that the profit motive can come into conflict with social and environmental considerations. The article discusses the balance between the profit motive and social and environmental considerations. One question deals with the board’s ability to attach weight to sustainability in the light of the company’s advertising and reputa- tion values (‘goodwill’). The article discusses also the relationship between sustainability and the company’s ability to make gifts.

Bråthen, Tore & Minde, Stine Winger (2022)

Styrets arbeid med bærekraft

Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, s. 50- 74. - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

This article discusses the Norwegian judicial framework for the Board’s work with sustainability. Sustainability regulation is no longer a result of more or less targeted political initiatives, it largely presents as a coherent system of rules. The starting point for the analysis is the general principles in the LLC (Limited Liability Companies) Act on the Board’s duty to manage the company. We therefore firstly give a description of the "company interest" and its central elements. The article seeks among other things to demonstrate the trade-off between profit seeking and the Board’s right and duty to integrate sustainability in the management of the company. Furthermore, the article discusses how central milestones, such as the EU taxonomy, accounting and reporting regulation, the Transparency Act, and the EU Commission’s proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD), impact the Board’s sustainability work. Several of these rules are characterised by strict requirements applicable to a relatively small number of companies. These companies, however, will, in order to meet these requirements, often have to place demands on their contractual parties. The legal framework will thus have important ramifications for a larger number of companies and the Board’s work in these companies. A lack of knowledge about sustainability may have substantial legal and economic consequences.

Bråthen, Tore & Minde, Stine Winger (2017)

Nye norske regler om utarbeidelse og oppbevaring av selskapsdokumentasjon og kommunikasjon mellom aksjonærer og selskap

Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, s. 104- 115.

Minde, Stine Winger (2016)

Bedriftsdemokrati i stiftelser - finnes det? Herunder om skillet mellom alminnelige og næringsdrivende stiftelser

Anderssen, Harald B & Bråthen, Tore (red.). Moderne Forretningsjus III

Minde, Stine winger (2015)

Er anvendelsen av regler om myndighetsmisbruk og regler om samtykkenektelse én og samme øvelse?

Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, s. 47- 63.

Minde, Stine winger (2015)

Samtykkenektelse i forretningsforetak - Status etter Rt. 2013 s. 241 (Stangeskovene)

Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, s. 1- 19.

Minde, Stine winger (2011)

Mellom stat og marked - om enkelte styringsutfordringer ved virksomhetstypen studentsamskipnad

Bråthen, Tore (red.). Moderne forretningsjus II

Minde, Stine Winger (2008)

Studentsamskipnader - foreninger, stiftelser, selskaper eller rett og slett studentsamskipnader?

Nordisk Tidsskrift for Selskabsret, s. 63- 79.

Minde, Stine Winger & Bråthen, Tore (2022)

Bærekraftig bedriftsledelse får rødt lys i EU

Dagens næringsliv [Kronikk]

Langfeldt, Sverre Faafeng; Bråthen, Tore Kristian, Viken, Monica & Minde, Stine Winger (2023)

Lov og rett for næringslivet

[Textbook]. Fagbokforlaget.

Bråthen, Tore; Fjørtoft, Tore, Refsholt, Hanne, Minde, Stine Winger, Kronborg, Anne-Kristine, Allgot, Bjørnar, Boye, Ebba & Jacobsen, Karoline (2022)

Demokratiutvalgets innstilling. Innstilling fra utvalg oppnevnt av generalforsamlingen i OBOS den 22. juni 2021.

[Report]. OBOS.

Langfeldt, Sverre Faafeng; Bråthen, Tore, Viken, Monica & Minde, Stine Winger (2022)

Lov og rett for næringslivet

[Textbook]. Fagbokforlaget.

Minde, Stine Winger; Viken, Monica, Bråthen, Tore & Langfeldt, Sverre Faafeng (2021)

Lov og rett for næringslivet

[Popular scientific book]. Fagbokforlaget/Focus forlag.

Minde, Stine Winger & Viken, Monica (2021)

Innføring i forretningsjus

[Textbook]. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Minde, Stine Winger (2021)

Ny anbefaling om god selskapsledelse og eierstyring

[Popular scientific article]. Revisjon og Regnskap, 8, s. 28- 32.

Minde, Stine Winger; Viken, Monica, Bråthen, Tore & Langfeldt, Sverre Faafeng (2020)

Lov og rett for næringslivet

[Textbook]. Fagbokforlaget/Focus forlag.

Minde, Stine Winger & Viken, Monica (2020)

Innføring i forretningsjus

[Textbook]. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Minde, Stine Winger & Bråthen, Tore (2020)

Bærekraftig corporate governance i lys av norsk aksjelovgivning

[Academic lecture]. Bærekraftig corporate governance i lys av norsk aksjelovgivning.

Minde, Stine Winger; Viken, Monica, Bråthen, Tore & Langfeldt, Sverre Faafeng (2019)

Lov og rett for næringslivet

[Textbook]. Gyldendal/Focus Forlag.

Minde, Stine Winger & Viken, Monica (2019)

Innføring i forretningsjus

[Textbook]. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Minde, Stine Winger (2019)

Endringer i norsk anbefaling om eierstyring og selskapsledelse

[Popular scientific article]. Revisjon og Regnskap, 1, s. 44- 46.

Minde, Stine Winger; Viken, Monica, Bråthen, Tore & Langfeldt, Sverre Faafeng (2018)

Lov og rett for næringslivet

[Textbook]. Gyldendal/Focus Forlag.

Minde, Stine Winger & Viken, Monica (2018)

Innføring i forretningsjus

[Textbook]. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Minde, Stine Winger; Viken, Monica, Bråthen, Tore & Langfeldt, Sverre Faafeng (2017)

Lov og rett for næringslivet

[Textbook]. Gyldendal/Focus Forlag.

Minde, Stine Winger & Viken, Monica (2017)

Innføring i forretningsjus

[Textbook]. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Minde, Stine Winger (2017)

Juridisk metode og oppgaveteknikk til eksamen

[Textbook]. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Minde, Stine Winger; Viken, Monica, Bråthen, Tore & Langfeldt, Sverre Faafeng (2016)

Lov og rett for næringslivet

[Textbook]. Gyldendal/Focus Forlag.

Minde, Stine Winger & Viken, Monica (2016)

Innføring i forretningsjus

[Textbook]. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Minde, Stine Winger & Bråthen, Tore (2016)

NOU 2016: 22 Aksjelovgivning for økt verdiskaping

[Report]. Departementenes sikkerhets- og serviceorganisasjon Informasjonsforvaltning.

Minde, Stine winger & Viken, Monica (2015)

Innføring i forretningsjus

[Textbook]. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Langfeldt, Sverre Faafeng; Bråthen, Tore, Viken, Monica & Minde, Stine winger (2015)

Lov og rett for næringslivet

[Textbook]. Gyldendal/Focus Forlag A/S.

Akademisk grad
År Akademisk institusjon Grad
2008 University of Oslo Master Cand. Jur.
2008 University of Southampton Other
År Arbeidsgiver Tittel
2009 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Lecturer
2016 - 2016 Nærings- og fiskeridepartementet Secreatry for the company law comittee
2012 - 2013 KPMG Law DA Associate lawyer
2008 - 2009 G&G Advokatfirma Case handler
2007 - 2008 Velferdstinget i Oslo Leader