
Ed Saiedi


Institutt for strategi og entreprenørskap


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Ed Saiedi has been an Associate Professor at BI since late 2022 (and an Assistant Professor at BI prior). He has been a visiting scholar at Harvard University (2022-23), Bruegel Institute (2021), Stockholm School of Economics (2016-2019), and a Senior Economist at the Norwegian Tax Agency (2019-2020). Ed holds two Ph.D. degrees, a Ph.D. in Industrial Economics and Management from KTH Royal Institute of Technology and a Ph.D. in Industrial Management from Technical University of Madrid. Ed teaches Innovation Strategy & Technological Change and Predictive Analytics with Machine Learning at BI. His research has been published by top business school outlets such as Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice (FT50), and Small Business Economics. Results of his research have been featured by NASDAQ and the European Commission. He has been a reviewer for Review of Economic Studies, Small Business Economics and the Academy of Management. His main research focuses on the relationships between financing, entrepreneurship and technological innovation.


Von Nitzsch, Jannis; Bird, Miriam & Saiedi, Ed (2024)

The strategic role of owners in firm growth: Contextualizing ownership competence in private firms

Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 18(3), s. 553- 581. Doi: 10.1002/sej.1497 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

We integrate the emerging literature on the strategic role of firm owners in firms’ value creation with Penrosean growth theory to investigate how and under what conditions two experience-based competences among owners—matching competence and governance competence—influence firm growth. Employing a longitudinal sample of 2,509 owner-managed German firms, we find a positive relationship between owners’ experience-based competences and firm growth. Further, we find that in family firms, the positive relationship between owners’ experience-based governance competence and firm growth is weaker and that both experience-based competences matter more in younger firms compared to older firms. Our findings make important contributions to research on strategic ownership and Penrosean growth theory.

Saiedi, Ed (2023)

Are Constraints the Mother of Innovation? Innovation Effects of the Global Financial Crisis

Academy of Management Proceedings

Von Nitzsch, Jannis; Bird, Miriam & Saiedi, Ed (2022)

Does Owners’ Experience Matter? The Influence of Matching and Governance Experience on Firm Growth

Academy of Management Proceedings Doi: 10.5465/AMBPP.2022.11984abstract

Saiedi, Ed; Mohammadi, Ali, Broström, Anders & Shafi, Kourosh (2022)

Distrust in Banks and Fintech Participation: The Case of Peer-to-Peer Lending

Entrepreneurship: Theory and Practice Doi: 10.1177/1042258720958020 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Saiedi, Ed; Broström, Anders & Ruiz, Felipe (2021)

Global drivers of cryptocurrency infrastructure adoption

Small Business Economics, 57, s. 353- 406. Doi: 10.1007/s11187-019-00309-8 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

A vast digital ecosystem of entrepreneurship and exchange has sprung up with Bitcoin’s digital infrastructure at its core. We explore the worldwide spread of infrastructure necessary to maintain and grow Bitcoin as a system (Bitcoin nodes) and infrastructure enabling the use of bitcoins for everyday economic transactions (Bitcoin merchants). Specifically, we investigate the role of legal, criminal, financial, and social determinants of the adoption of Bitcoin infrastructure. We offer some support for the view that the adoption of cryptocurrency infrastructure is driven by perceived failings of traditional financial systems, in that the spread of Bitcoin infrastructure is associated with low trust in banks and the financial system among inhabitants of a region, and with the occurrence of country-level inflation crises. On the other hand, our findings also suggest that active support for Bitcoin is higher in locations with well-developed banking services. Finally, we find support for the view that bitcoin adoption is also partly driven by cryptocurrencies’ usefulness in engaging in illicit trade.

Saiedi, Ed; Sinha, Vikash Kumar & Okwir, Simon (2023)

Innovation Modes and Resourcing Choices: A Configurational Approach

[Academic lecture]. Druid Conference 2023.

Saiedi, Ed; Sinha, Vikash Kumar & Okwir, Simon (2023)

Innovation Modes and Resourcing Choices: A Configurational Approach

[Academic lecture]. Strategy Science Annual Conference.

Saiedi, Ed (2023)

Are Constraints the Mother of Innovation? Innovation Effects of the Global Financial Crisis

[Academic lecture]. AOM Annual Meeting 2023.

Saiedi, Ed; Bird, Miriam & Von Nitzsch, Jannis (2022)

Does Owners' Experience Matter? The Influence of Matching and Governance Experience on Firm Growth

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society Conference 2022.

Saiedi, Ed (2022)

Are Constraints the Mother of Innovation? Innovation Effects of the Global Financial Crisis

[Academic lecture]. Strategic Management Society Conference 2022.

Saiedi, Ed (2022)

Are constraints the mother of innovation? Investment and Innovation Effects of the Global Financial Crisis

[Academic lecture]. Druid Conference 2022.

Callegari, Beniamino; Luzzi, Alessandra & Saiedi, Ed (2021)

Digital transformation of incumbents in digitally laggard industries

[Academic lecture]. Academy of management conference.

Akademisk grad
År Akademisk institusjon Grad
2020 KTH Royal Institute of Technology PhD in Industrial Economics and Management
2020 Technical University of Madrid European Doctorate in Industrial Management
År Arbeidsgiver Tittel
2022 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Associate Professor
2022 - 2023 Harvard University Associate
2021 - 2022 BI Norwegian Business School Assistant Professor
2019 - 2021 Skatteetaten/Norwegian Tax Agency Senior Economist / Analyst