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Tidligere disputaser

Tidligere disputaser ved Handelshøyskolen BI


Maximilian Schröder
Maximilian Schröder

Department of Economics

Title of the thesis:
“Measuring macroeconomics uncertainty and its drivers in high dimensional systems”

Department of Finance

Title of the thesis:
"Essays in Empirical Market Microstructure"

Anna Stepanova
Anna Stepanova

Department of Marketing

Title of the thesis:
“When Should Organizations Outsource Problem-Solving? Balancing Functional and Technical Requirement Specifications in Public Procurement”

Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Title of the thesis:
"User representation as organisational doing: A study of ignorance and vulnerability in Norwegian patient-centred care"

Andrew Sang Jun Rhee
Andrew Sang Jun Rhee

Department of Finance

Title of the thesis:
"Social, Biological and Cultural Foundations of Corporate and Investor Behaviors"

Audun Reiby
Audun Reiby

Department of Marketing

Title of the thesis:
“Cognitive Distance, Network Embeddedness, and Alliance Performance: A Conceptual and Empirical Approach”


Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Title of the thesis:
“How Does an Acquisition Affect a Firm’s Alliance?”

Title of the thesis:
“The Macroeconomic Consequences of the Green Transition”

Department of Marketing

Title of the thesis:
“On the Structure and Evolution of Marketing Science”

Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour

Title of the thesis:
“Opportunities and obstacles to career success: A lifespan developmental perspective”

Department of Economics

Title of the thesis:
“Empirical Essays in Labor Economics and Housing Search”

Lewend Mayiwar
Lewend Mayiwar

Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour

Title of the thesis:
“Emotion Regulation via Self-Distancing: Consequences for Risk-Taking and Cognitive Processing”

Department of Economics

Title of the thesis:
“The party is on, get in line: Essays on the political economy of party discipline”

Katarzyna M. Adamska
Katarzyna M. Adamska

Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour

Title of thesis:
"Midsets in Organizations - How Fixed and Growth Beliefs Influence Employee Outcomes"

Department of Economics

Title of the thesis:
“Essays on the determinants of oil, and the post-oil era and democracy”

Department of Finance

Title of the thesis:
“Three essays in portfolio management”

Department of Economics

Title of the thesis:
“Essays in prediction, expectation formation, and labor economics”

Farhana Tabassum
Farhana Tabassum

Department of Marketing

Title of the thesis:
“How Repetition-Induced Learning Influences Consumers' Perceptions”

Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Title of the thesis:
“Creating room for innovation. A business history study of innovation in the Kongsberg Group. 2000 - 2015”

Tohid Ghanbarpour
Tohid Ghanbarpour

Department of Marketing

Title of the thesis:
“Doing Good and Doing Well: Creating Value through Corporate Social Responsibility”

Department of Economics

Title of the thesis:
“Essays about Auctions and Bargaining: Theory and Experiments”.

Department of Economics

Title of the Thesis:
“Trade and Worker Reallocation”.


Thomas Størdal Gundersen
Thomas Størdal Gundersen

Department of Economics

Title of the thesis:
“Supply Heterogeneities and the Oil Market”

Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour

Title of the thesis:
“Leaders for art’s sake? Potentials and requirements for developing cross-functional leadership in the field of art”

Olga Ungureanu
Olga Ungureanu

Department of Marketing

Title of the thesis:
“Marketing Communications for New Product Launches A Multiple Stakeholder Perspective"

Ingvild Andersen
Ingvild Andersen

Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour

Title of the thesis:
“Reconnecting Leader-Member Exchange and Social Exchange Theory”

Department of Economics

Title of the thesis:
“Essays in household finance and macroeconomics”

Public lecture on the topic:
“What monetary policy could learn from recent microeconomic studies”  

Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Title of the thesis:
“Essays on Positioning, Categorization, and Performance”


Even Comfort Hvinden
Even Comfort Hvinden

Department of Economics

Title of the thesis:
“Crude Games: Essays on strategic competition in oil markets”

Title of trial lecture:
“Oil and conflicts: How can oil fuel conflicts and how can the risk of conflicts affect oil development?”

Julia Zhulanova
Julia Zhulanova

Department of Economics

Title of the thesis:
“Macroeconomic Dynamics, Commodity Prices and Expectations”

Title of trial lecture:
“Oil Prices and the Macroeconomy”

Christopher Sabel
Christopher Sabel

Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Title of the thesis:
“Spinouts, Sharks, and Genealogy: Established Firms as Resource Acquisition Channel for Startups”

Title of trial lecture:
"Corporate Venture Capital Investments"

Department of Finance

Title of the thesis:
“Theory and evidence on the effect of disagreement on asset prices”

Title of trial lecture:
“Asset Pricing Puzzles: Theory Meets Data”

Gilbert Kofi Adarkwah
Gilbert Kofi Adarkwah

Department of Strategy and Entrepreneurship

Title of the thesis:
“Institutions, Policy Risk, and Firms Behavior: Foreign Investments in High-Risk Countries”

Title of trial lecture:
International expansion strategies across the mature/emergent divide and the role of institutions - how emerging markets can enhance host country attractiveness.

Marius Andersson
Marius Andersson

Title of the thesis:
“Texts and texturing in and around organizations: A discursive perspective on temporal work, future constructions, and managers’ latitude of action”

Public lecture on given topic.

Njål Andersen
Njål Andersen

Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour

Title of the thesis:
“No article is an island entire of itself.
Extending bibliometric science mapping in the field of management with social network analysis.”

Title of trial lecture:
“How can bibliometric reviews contribute to theoretical advancement in management scholarship?”

Emanuela Stagno
Emanuela Stagno

Department of Marketing

Title of the thesis:
“Some Consequences of Vulnerability in Consumers’ Life”

Title of trial lecture:
“Marketing to less affluent and poor consumers: challenges, opportunities and welfare considerations”

Department of Economics. 

Title of the thesis:
“Essays on Reputation”

Title of trial lecture:
“Strategic Posturing in Bilateral Bargaining”

Ilka Ohlmer
Ilka Ohlmer

Department of Leadership and Organizational Behaviour

Title of the thesis:
The Social Side of Employee Pay.
Exploring social–psychological outcomes and the explanatory mechanisms of employee pay standing from the social-effects perspective on pay.

Title of trial lecture: 
Beyond Pay Dispersion and Communication: Next Steps in Reward Management Research

Department of Economics

Title of the thesis:
“Firms, Oil and Stocks”

Public lecture on given topic