Institutt for regnskap, revisjon og foretaksøkonomi
Institutt for regnskap, revisjon og foretaksøkonomi bidrar til forskningsbasert undervisning og kunnskapsutvikling innen regnskap, revisjon, økonomistyring, bedriftsøkonomisk analyse og logistikk på alle nivåer.
torsdag 13. februar 2025 - Persson Seminar 2025
BI og LOGMA inviterer til Persson Seminar 2025. Seminaret er en møteplass mellom akademikere og praktikere over et tidsaktuelt tema innenfor Supply Chain Management. Tema vi har valgt i år er: Hvordan skal vi planlegge når alt er i stadig endring?
torsdag 3. november 2022 - BI Equity issues, creditor control and market timing patterns: evidence from leverage decreasing recapitalizations
We contribute to the literature on “market timing” by exploring periods of simultaneous equity issues and debt retirements (a leverage decreasing recapitalization, LDR).
torsdag 3. november 2022 - Production and operations management Collaboration–competition dilemma in flattening the COVID-19 curve
van Oorschot, Kimball Elizabeth; Wassenhove, Luk N. van & Jahre, Marianne (2022). Collaboration–competition dilemma in flattening the COVID-19 curve. Production and operations management
torsdag 3. november 2022 - European Journal of Operational Research Akartunali, Kerem & Dauzère-Pérès, Stéphane (2022) Dynamic Lot Sizing with Stochastic Demand Timing.
In this paper, a novel way of modeling uncertainty on demand in the single item dynamic lot sizing problem is proposed and studied. The uncertainty is not related to the demand quantity, but rather to the demand timing, i.e., the demand fully occurs in a single period of a given time interval with a given probability and no partial delivery is allowed.
tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - SienceDirect Ny Artikkel: Ole-Kristian Hope
Happy analysts. Accounting, Organizations and Society. Hope,O.-K., Li,C.,A.-P., & Rabier,M. (2020)
tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - ScienceDirect Ny Artikkel: Ole-Kristian Hope
Wall street analysts as investor relations officers. Journal of Corporate Finance, 67(April), 101893. Hope, O.-K., Huang,Z., & Moldovan, R. (2021)
tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - Wiley Online Library Ny Artikkel: Riana Steen
tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - Wiley Online Library Ny Artikkel: Riana Steen
Total defence resilience: Viable or not during COVID-19? A comparative study of Norway and the UK. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy. Pollock, K. & Steen, R. (2020)
tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - Oxford Academic Ny Artikkel: Michael Kisser
The leverage-profitability puzzle resurrected, 1-40. Review of Finance. Eckbo,B.E. & Kisser,M. (2020)
tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - Journal of Business Finance & Accounting New Publication: Akram Khalilov
Accounting conservatism and the profitability of corporate insiders. Journal of Business, Finance & Accounting. Khalilov,A., & Osma,B.G. (2020)
tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - Emeraldinsight Ny Artikkel: Marianne Jahre
Localisation of logistics preparedness in international humanitarian organisations. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Frenneson, L.,Kembro, J., de Vries, H., Van Wassenhove, L.N. & Jahre, M. (2020)
tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - SpringerLink Ny Artikkel: Ole-Kristian Hope
Government procurement and financial statement certification: Evidence from private firms in emerging economies. Journal of International Business Studies. Hope, O.-K., Jiang, S.,& Vyas,D. (2020)
tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - SpringerLink Ny Artikkel: Ole-Kristian Hope
Analyst teams. Review of Accounting Studies. Fang, B., Hope, O.-K. (2020)
tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - SpringerLink Ny Artikkel: Ole-Kristian Hope
The effects of MiFID II on sell-side analysts, buy-side analysts and firms. Review of Accounting Studies, 855-902. Fang, B., Hope, O.-K., Huang, Z., & Moldovan, R. (2020).
mandag 26. oktober 2020 - MDPI Ny Artikkel: Eirill Bø
Transparency as a driver for logistical efficiency in WEEE collection and transport. Logistics, 4(3), 14 Bø, E., & Baxter, J.
mandag 26. oktober 2020 - IGI Global Ny bok: Eirill Bø
Transparency issues within a transport buyer and provider relationship. In A. Dwivedi, & M.S. Alshamrani, Bø, E. (2020) Leadership strategies for global supply chain management in emergin markets. (s.78-95). IGI Global.
mandag 26. oktober 2020 - Inderscience Ny Artikkel: Bente M. Flygansvær
Green innovation in recycling: A preliminary analysis of reversed logistics in Norway. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 15(6), 719-733. Bente M. Flygansvær, Robert Dahlstrøm
tirsdag 20. oktober 2020 - Oxford Academic Ny Artikkel: Michael Kisser
Tradeoff theory and leverage dynamics of high frequency debt issuers. Review of Finance. Eckbo, B. E., & Kisser, M. (2020)
onsdag 7. oktober 2020 - Professor/Postdoktorstipendiat i regnskap søkes
Handelshøyskolen BI søker en Professor/Postdoktorstipendiat i regnskap
torsdag 5. mars 2020 - Informs Ny Artikkel: John Christian Langli & Ole-Kristian Hope
How Big-4 firms improve audit quality. Management science. Langli, J. C., Hope, O. K., & Che, L.(2020).
torsdag 5. mars 2020 - Elsevier Ny Artikkel: Stèphane Dauzère-Pèrès
Dynamic dispatching and preventive maintenance for parallel machines with dispatching dependent deterioration. Computers & Operations Research, 113(Jan). Wu, C. H., Yao, Y.C., Dauzère-Pérès, S., & Yu, C. J. (2020).
torsdag 5. mars 2020 - Elsevier Ny Artikkel: Stèphane Dauzère-Pèrès
A queue-based aggregation approach for performance evaluation of a production system with an AMHS. Computers & Operations Research, 115(March). Mohammadi, M., Dauzère-Pérès, S., Yugma, C., & Karimi-Mamaghan, M. (2020).
torsdag 5. mars 2020 - Elsevier Ny artikkel: Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès
On the importance of variability when managing metrology capacity. European Journal of Operational Research, 282, 267-276. Dauzère-Pérès, S. & Hassoun, M. (2020).
torsdag 5. mars 2020 - Emerald Insight Ny Artikkel:Hakim Lyngstadås
An empirical investigation of how information sharing affects cash flow performance through competitive capability. Supply Chain Management, 24(6), 710-728. Lyngstadås, H. (2019).
mandag 17. februar 2020 - Luciana Orozco and Akram Khalilov
Luciana Orozco og Akram Khalilov vil bli en del av vårt institutt som Assistant Professors of Accounting fra høsten 2020.
mandag 17. februar 2020 - Accounting Department of the Stockholm School of Economics
Michael Kisser er invitert for å holde et innlegg under et seminar ved Accounting Department of the Stockholm School of Economics
mandag 17. februar 2020 - Swiss Accounting Research Alpine Camp (SARAC)
Michael Kisser presenterer en artikkel under Swiss Accounting Research Alpine Camp (SARAC) in Andermatt, Switzerland. SARAC er en liten konferanse organisert i samarbeid med University of St. Gallen and HEC-University of Lausanne
mandag 17. februar 2020 - Ny artikkel: Stèphane Dauzère-Pèrès
Dynamic dispatching and preventive maintenance for parallel machines with dispatching-dependent deterioration. Computers & Operations Research,113,104779,doi:10.2016/j.cor.2019.104779 Wu,C.H.Yao, Y.C.,Dauzère-Pèrès,S.,Yu,C.J.(2020)