
Institutt for regnskap, revisjon og foretaks­økonomi

Institutt for regnskap, revisjon og foretaksøkonomi bidrar til forskningsbasert undervisning og kunnskapsutvikling innen regnskap, revisjon, økonomistyring, bedriftsøkonomisk analyse og logistikk på alle nivåer.



  • tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - SienceDirect Ny Artikkel: Ole-Kristian Hope

    Happy analysts. Accounting, Organizations and Society. Hope,O.-K., Li,C.,A.-P., & Rabier,M. (2020)

  • tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - ScienceDirect Ny Artikkel: Ole-Kristian Hope

    Wall street analysts as investor relations officers. Journal of Corporate Finance, 67(April), 101893. Hope, O.-K., Huang,Z., & Moldovan, R. (2021)

  • tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - Wiley Online Library Ny Artikkel: Riana Steen

  • tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - Wiley Online Library Ny Artikkel: Riana Steen

    Total defence resilience: Viable or not during COVID-19? A comparative study of Norway and the UK. Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy. Pollock, K. & Steen, R. (2020)

  • tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - Oxford Academic Ny Artikkel: Michael Kisser

    The leverage-profitability puzzle resurrected, 1-40. Review of Finance. Eckbo,B.E. & Kisser,M. (2020)

  • tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - Journal of Business Finance & Accounting New Publication: Akram Khalilov

    Accounting conservatism and the profitability of corporate insiders. Journal of Business, Finance & Accounting. Khalilov,A., & Osma,B.G. (2020)

  • tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - Emeraldinsight Ny Artikkel: Marianne Jahre

    Localisation of logistics preparedness in international humanitarian organisations. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management. Frenneson, L.,Kembro, J., de Vries, H., Van Wassenhove, L.N. & Jahre, M. (2020)

  • tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - SpringerLink Ny Artikkel: Ole-Kristian Hope

    Government procurement and financial statement certification: Evidence from private firms in emerging economies. Journal of International Business Studies. Hope, O.-K., Jiang, S.,& Vyas,D. (2020)

  • tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - SpringerLink Ny Artikkel: Ole-Kristian Hope

    Analyst teams. Review of Accounting Studies. Fang, B., Hope, O.-K. (2020)

  • tirsdag 9. mars 2021 - SpringerLink Ny Artikkel: Ole-Kristian Hope

    The effects of MiFID II on sell-side analysts, buy-side analysts and firms. Review of Accounting Studies, 855-902. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11142-020-09545-w Fang, B., Hope, O.-K., Huang, Z., & Moldovan, R. (2020).


  • mandag 26. oktober 2020 - MDPI Ny Artikkel: Eirill Bø

    Transparency as a driver for logistical efficiency in WEEE collection and transport. Logistics, 4(3), 14 Bø, E., & Baxter, J.

  • mandag 26. oktober 2020 - IGI Global Ny bok: Eirill Bø

    Transparency issues within a transport buyer and provider relationship. In A. Dwivedi, & M.S. Alshamrani, Bø, E. (2020) Leadership strategies for global supply chain management in emergin markets. (s.78-95). IGI Global.

  • mandag 26. oktober 2020 - Inderscience Ny Artikkel: Bente M. Flygansvær

    Green innovation in recycling: A preliminary analysis of reversed logistics in Norway. World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development, 15(6), 719-733. Bente M. Flygansvær, Robert Dahlstrøm

  • tirsdag 20. oktober 2020 - Oxford Academic Ny Artikkel: Michael Kisser

    Tradeoff theory and leverage dynamics of high frequency debt issuers. Review of Finance. Eckbo, B. E., & Kisser, M. (2020)

  • onsdag 7. oktober 2020 - Professor/Postdoktorstipendiat i regnskap søkes

    Handelshøyskolen BI søker en Professor/Postdoktorstipendiat i regnskap

  • torsdag 5. mars 2020 - Informs Ny Artikkel: John Christian Langli & Ole-Kristian Hope

    How Big-4 firms improve audit quality. Management science. Langli, J. C., Hope, O. K., & Che, L.(2020).

  • torsdag 5. mars 2020 - Elsevier Ny Artikkel: Stèphane Dauzère-Pèrès

    Dynamic dispatching and preventive maintenance for parallel machines with dispatching dependent deterioration. Computers & Operations Research, 113(Jan). Wu, C. H., Yao, Y.C., Dauzère-Pérès, S., & Yu, C. J. (2020).

  • torsdag 5. mars 2020 - Elsevier Ny Artikkel: Stèphane Dauzère-Pèrès

    A queue-based aggregation approach for performance evaluation of a production system with an AMHS. Computers & Operations Research, 115(March). Mohammadi, M., Dauzère-Pérès, S., Yugma, C., & Karimi-Mamaghan, M. (2020).

  • torsdag 5. mars 2020 - Elsevier Ny artikkel: Stéphane Dauzère-Pérès

    On the importance of variability when managing metrology capacity. European Journal of Operational Research, 282, 267-276. Dauzère-Pérès, S. & Hassoun, M. (2020).

  • torsdag 5. mars 2020 - Emerald Insight Ny Artikkel:Hakim Lyngstadås

    An empirical investigation of how information sharing affects cash flow performance through competitive capability. Supply Chain Management, 24(6), 710-728. Lyngstadås, H. (2019).

  • mandag 17. februar 2020 - Luciana Orozco and Akram Khalilov

    Luciana Orozco og Akram Khalilov vil bli en del av vårt institutt som Assistant Professors of Accounting fra høsten 2020.

  • mandag 17. februar 2020 - Accounting Department of the Stockholm School of Economics

    Michael Kisser er invitert for å holde et innlegg under et seminar ved Accounting Department of the Stockholm School of Economics

  • mandag 17. februar 2020 - Swiss Accounting Research Alpine Camp (SARAC)

    Michael Kisser presenterer en artikkel under Swiss Accounting Research Alpine Camp (SARAC) in Andermatt, Switzerland. SARAC er en liten konferanse organisert i samarbeid med University of St. Gallen and HEC-University of Lausanne

  • mandag 17. februar 2020 - Ny artikkel: Stèphane Dauzère-Pèrès

    Dynamic dispatching and preventive maintenance for parallel machines with dispatching-dependent deterioration. Computers & Operations Research,113,104779,doi:10.2016/j.cor.2019.104779 Wu,C.H.Yao, Y.C.,Dauzère-Pèrès,S.,Yu,C.J.(2020)