
Institutt for strategi og entreprenør­skap

Institutt for strategi og entreprenørskap er et ledende innovativt fagmiljø som utvikler og formidler kompetanse på bedrifters forretningsmodeller, utvikling og vekst.

BIs vitenskapelige produksjon er registrert i den nasjonale databasen Cristin (Current Research Information System In Norway).


  • Kratochvil, Renate & Langley, Ann (2024)
    Process Research and Strategy as Practice
  • Lagemann, Benjamin; Lunnan, Randi, Brett, Per Olaf, Garcia Agis, Jose Jorge, Solheim, Astrid Vamråk & Erikstad, Stein Ove (2024)
    What is a ship design firm, really?
    International Marine Design Conference. Doi: 10.59490/imdc.2024.914
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  • Schou, Peter Kalum (2024)
    Unpacking the myth of the entrepreneurial state
    Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 21. Doi: 10.1016/j.jbvi.2024.e00454
  • Prange, Christiane; Lunnan, Randi & Mayrhofer, Ulrike (2024)
    The Diary Method in International Management Research
    MIR. Management International Review: journal of international business, p. 1-29. Doi: 10.1007/s11575-024-00539-3
  • Giones Valls, Ferran; Shankar, Raj K., Smith, Sheryl Winston, Garcia-Herrera, Cristobal & Timmermans, Bram (2024)
    Introduction to special issue on corporate and startup collaborations in an age of disruption: looking beyond the dyad
    Industry and Innovation, 31(5), p. 533-543. Doi: 10.1080/13662716.2024.2346315
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