FORFATTER (BI forskere i fet skrift) |
J. Arndt | Role of Product-Related Conversations in the Diffusion of a New Product |
1967 | Journal of Marketing Research | 4* | FT / UTD | 2295 | 385 |
J. Arndt | Toward a concept of domesticated markets |
1979 | Journal of Marketing | 4* | FT / UTD | 908 | 167 |
L.W. Stern & T. Reve | Distribution channels as political economies: a framework for comparative analysis |
1980 | Journal of Marketing | 4* | FT / UTD | 1174 | 313 |
W.J. Bilkey & E. Nes | Country-of-origin effects on product evaluations |
1982 | Journal of International Business Studies | 4* | FT / UTD | 2264 | 347 |
G. John & T. Reve | The reliability and validity of key informant data from dyadic relationships in marketing channels |
1982 | Journal of Marketing Research | 4* | FT / UTD | 691 | 227 |
R.S. Achrol, T. Reve & L.W. Stern | The environment of marketing channel dyads: a framework for comparative analysis |
1983 | Journal of Marketing | 4* | FT / UTD | 759 | 162 |
F. Selnes | An examination of the effect of product performance on brand reputation, satisfaction and loyalty |
1993 | Journal of Product & Brand Management | 1 | 1506 | ||
J.C. Anderson, H. Håkansson & J. Johanson | Dyadic business relationships within a business network context |
1994 | Journal of Marketing | 4* | FT / UTD | 2700 | 597 |
F. Selnes | Antecedents and consequences of trust and satisfaction in buyer-seller relationships |
1998 | European Journal of Marketing | 3 | 1238 | ||
R. Dahlstrom & A. Nygaard | An Empirical Investigation of Ex Post Transaction Costs in Franchised Distribution Channels |
1999 | Journal of Marketing Research | 4* | FT / UTD | 357 | 99 |
K.H. Wathne & J.B.Heide |
Opportunism in interfirm relationships: Forms, outcomes, and solutions |
2000 | Journal of Marketing | 4* | FT / UTD | 1126 | 371 |
Olson, Erik L. & Geir Bakke | Implementing the lead user method in a high technology firm: a longitudinal study of intentions versus actions | 2001 | Journal of Product Innovation Management | 4 | 290 | 77 | |
M.D. Johnson, A. Gustafsson, T.W. Andreassen, L. Lervik & J. Chae | The evolution and future of national customer satisfaction index models |
2001 | Journal of Economic Psychology | 2 | 1033 | 206 | |
K.H. Wathne, H. Biong & J.B. Heide |
Choice of supplier in embedded markets: relationship and marketing program effects |
2001 | Journal of Marketing | 4* | FT / UTD | 500 | 132 |
H. Håkansson & D. Ford | How should companies interact in business networks? |
2002 | Journal of Business Research | 3 | 1383 | 365 | |
A. Nygaard & R. Dahlstrom | Role Stress and Effectiveness in Horizontal Alliances |
2002 | Journal of Marketing | 4* | FT / UTD | 127 | 42 |
L.E. Bolton, L. Warlop & J.W. Alba | Consumer perceptions of price (un) fairness |
2003 | Journal of Consumer Research | 4* | FT / UTD | 748 | 179 |
F. Selnes & J. Sallis | Promoting relationship learning |
2003 | Journal of Marketing | 4* | FT / UTD | 674 | 210 |
L. Lervik Olsen & M.D. Johnson | Service equity, satisfaction, and loyalty: from transaction-specific to cumulative evaluations |
2003 | Journal of Service Research | 4 | 453 | ||
A.I. Rokkan, J.B. Heide & K.H. Wathne | Specific Investments in Marketing Relationships: Expropriation and Bonding Effects |
2003 | Journal of Marketing Research | 4* | FT / UTD | 434 | 161 |
M.D. Johnson & F. Selnes | Customer portfolio management: toward a dynamic theory of exchange relationships |
2004 | Journal of Marketing | 4* | FT / UTD | 511 | 142 |
K.H. Wathne & J.B.Heide | Relationship governance in a supply chain network |
2004 | Journal of Marketing | 4* | FT / UTD | 502 | 171 |
M.D. Johnson & F. Selnes | Diversifying Your Customer Portfolio |
2005 | Sloan Management Review | 3 | FT | 63 | 13 |
H. Håkansson & I. Snehota | No business is an island: The network concept of business strategy |
2006 | Scandinavian Journal of Management | 2 | 1773 | ||
J.B.Heide & K.H. Wathne |
Friends, Businesspeople, and Relationship Roles: A Conceptual Framework and Research Agenda |
2006 | Journal of Marketing | 4* | FT / UTD | 208 | 83 |
T.L. Keiningheim, B. Cooil, T.W. Andreassen & L. Aksoy | A Longitudinal Examination of Net Promoter on Firm Revenue Growth |
2007 | Journal of Marketing | 4* | FT / UTD | 257 | 59 |
J.B.Heide, K.H. Wathne & A.I Rokkan | Interfirm monitoring, social contracts, and relationship outcomes |
2007 | Journal of Marketing Research | 4* | FT / UTD | 231 | 106 |
R.E. Kidwell, A. Nygaard and R. Silkoset |
Antecedents and Effects of Free Riding in the Franchisor-Franchisee Relationship |
2007 | Journal of Business Venturing | 4 | FT | 160 | 55 |
T.L. Keiningheim, L. Aksoy, B. Cooil & T.W. Andreassen | Net Promoter, Recommendations, and Business Performance: A Clarification on Morgan and Rego |
2008 | Marketing Science | 4* | FT / UTD | 16 | 2 |
C. Goukens, S. Dewitte & L. Warlop |
Me, myself, and my choices: The influence of private self-awareness on choice |
2009 | Journal of Marketing Research | 4* | FT / UTD | 45 | 14 |
Olson, Erik L. and Hans Mathias Thjømøe | Sponsorship Effect Metric: Assessing the Financial Value of Sponsorship by Comparisons to Television Advertising. | 2009 | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | 4 | FT | 85 | 29 |
W.D. Hoyer, R. Chandy, M. Dorotic, M. Krafft & SS Singh | Consumer cocreation in new product development |
2010 | Journal of Service Research | 4 | 582 | 161 | |
H. Biong, A. Nygaard & R.Silkoset | The Influence of Retail Management's Use of Social Power on Corporate Ethical Values, Employee Commitment, and Performance |
2010 | Journal of Business Ethics | 3 | FT | 27 | 8 |
R.D. Van Oest, H.J. van Heerde & M.G. Dekimpe | Return on Roller Coasters: A Model to Guide Investments in Theme Park Attractions |
2010 | Marketing Science | 4* | FT / UTD | 7 | 4 |
A. Kumar, J.B. Heide & K.H. Wathne | Performance Implications of Mismatched Governance Regimes across External and Internal Relationships |
2011 | Journal of Marketing | 4* | FT / UTD | 39 | 19 |
R. Kidwell & Arne Nygaard | A Strategic Deviance Perspective on the Franchise Form of Organizing |
2011 | Entrepreneurship Theory & Practice | 4 | FT | 22 | 9 |
B. Van den Bergh, J. Schmitt & L. Warlop |
Embodied Myopia |
2011 | Journal of Marketing Research | 4* | FT / UTD | 22 | 5 |
F. Selnes, M.T. Billett, C.O. Tarasi, R.N. Bolton, M.D. Hutt & B.A. Walker |
Commentaries and Rejoinder to “Balancing Risk and Return in a Customer Portfolio” |
2011 | Journal of Marketing | 4* | FT / UTD | 5 | 2 |
A. Faraji-Rad, M. Moeini-Jazani & L. Warlop | Women seek more variety in rewards when closer to ovulation |
2013 | Journal of Consumer Psychology | 4* | FT | 6 | 2 |
Olson, Erik L. | Perspective: The Green Innovation Value Chain: A Tool for Evaluating the Diffusion Prospects of Green Products. | 2013 | Journal of Product Innovation Management | 4 | 14 | 5 | |
Olson, Erik L. | It’s Not Easy Being Green: The Effects of Attribute Tradeoffs on Green Product Preference and Choice. | 2013 | Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science | 4 | FT | 90 | 30 |
H. Risselada, P.C. Verhoef & T.H.A. Bijmolt | Dynamic Effects of Social Influence and Direct Marketing on the Adoption of High-Technology Products |
2014 | Journal of Marketing | 4* | FT / UTD | 45 | 13 |
J.B. Heide, A. Kumar & K.H. Wathne |
Concurrent Sourcing, Governance Mechanisms, and Performance Outcomes in Industrial Value Chains |
2014 | Strategic Management Journal | 4* | FT / UTD | 26 | 5 |
R.D. van Oest and G. Knox | Customer Complaints and Recovery Effectiveness: A Customer Base Approach |
2014 | Journal of Marketing | 4* | FT / UTD | 18 | 7 |
G. Watson, S. Worm, R. Palmatier & S. Ganesan | The Evolution of Marketing Channels: Trends and Research Directions |
2015 | Journal of Retailing | 4 | 9 | 3 | |
A. Hunneman, P.C. Verhoef & L. Sloot | The Impact of Consumer Confidence on Store Satisfaction and Share of Wallet Formation |
2015 | Journal of Retailing | 4 | 8 | ||
J.B. Sande & S.A. Haugland |
Strategic performance effects of misaligned formal contracting: The mediating role of relational contracting |
2015 | International Journal of Research in Marketing | 4 | 2 | 2 | |
A. Faraji-Rad, B.M. Samuelsen & L. Warlop | On the Persuasiveness of Similar Others: The Role of Mentalizing and the Feeling of Certainty |
2015 | Journal of Consumer Research | 4* | FT / UTD | 1 | |
A. Nygaard, H. Biong, R. Silkoset & R.E. Kidwell | Leading by example: values-based strategy to instill ethical conduct |
2015 | Journal of Business Ethics | 3 | FT | ||
K.M. Knoeferle, P. Knoeferle, C. Velasco & C. Spence |
Multisensory brand search: How the meaning of sounds guides consumers’ visual attention |
2016 | Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied | 4 | |||
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