Fagstaben ved institutt for markedsføring har mottatt en rekke nasjonale og internasjonale priser og utmerkelser for sin forskning og undervisning.
I denne oversikten finner du et utvalg av disse prisene og utmerkelsene.
Priser og utmerkelser | Fagperson |
BIs pris for pedagogisk utviklingsarbeid i 2011 | Høyskolelektor Nina Helene Ronæs |
Johan Arndt best doctoral proposal in 2011 | Doktorgradsstipendiat Sinem Acar |
Årets Markedsanalytiker i 2011. Pris gitt av Norges Markedsanalyseforening for arbeidet med metodefagene ved BI. | Professor Ragnhild Silkoset |
Bilkey, Warren J. and Erik Nes (1982), “Country of Origin Effects on Product Evaluations”, Journal of International Business Studies, Decade Award in Fall. 2009 in the Journal of International Business Studies for 1982. | Professor emeritus Erik Nes |
Årets Markedsanalytiker i 1999. Pris gitt av Norges Markedsanalyseforening. | Professor Fred Selnes |
Graduate Dean's Instructional Excellence Award - Case Western Reserve University 1991-92. | Professor Erik Olson |
Faculty representative, 2010 AMA/Sheth Foundation Doctoral Consortium | Professor Kenneth H. Wathne |
Ranked #33 among the 58 most prolific scholars in the leading marketing journals during 1982-2006 by publication rate | Professor Kenneth H. Wathne |
Winner of the 2008 Louis W. Stern Award | Professor Kenneth H. Wathne |
Panhellenic Association, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Outstanding Educator, 2001-2002, 2006-2007. | Professor Kenneth H. Wathne |
Marketing Science Institute Young Scholars Program Invitee, 2005 | Professor Kenneth H. Wathne |
Mu Kappa Tau, Professional Honorary Marketing Fraternity, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Marketing Professor of the Year, 2000-2001; 2002-2005 | Professor Kenneth H. Wathne |
AMA, Business-to-Business Special Interest Group, Business Marketing Faculty Consortium, Scholarship Recipient, 2000 | Professor Kenneth H. Wathne |
Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM), Doctoral Support Award Competition, Finalist, Honorable Mention, 1999 | Professor Kenneth H. Wathne |
Best academic paper award, Johan Arndt Marketing Conference | Professor Rutger van Oest |
BIs pris for pedagogisk utviklingsarbeid i 2008 | Høyskolelektor Cecilie Staude og høyskolelektor Elisabeth Falck |
BIs pris for pedagogisk utviklingsarbeid i 2006 | Professor Bendik Samuelsen |