Vitenskapelig publisering

Series of Dissertations

Series of Dissertations (ISSN 1502-2099) omfatter alle avhandlinger avlagt ved Handelshøyskolen BI fra og med 2000. Noen av avhandlingene (monografier) er publisert i fulltekst.


  • Olga Ungureanu

    Marketing Communications for New Product Launches. A Multiple Stakeholder Perspective.

    Series of dissertations 06/2022

  • Sverre S. Ubisch

    Essays on Positioning, Categorization, and Performance

    Series of dissertations 05/2022

  • Magnus A. H. Gulbrandsen

    Essays in Household Finance and Macroeconomics

    Series of dissertations 04/2022

  • Christian Winther Farstad

    Leaders for art's sake? Potentials and requirements for developing cross-functional leadership in the field of art.

    Series of dissertations 03/2022

    The field of art seems to be following its own rules of functioning, as they see certain ways of thinking and acting as legitimate while others are tried to be excluded. At the core of these “laws” is the idea of art for art’s sake, which means that art should be created for the purpose of art itself. To protect the art from such external interference, the field of art is known for its division of labor. Typically, artistic activities are separated from administrative activities.

    This even applies in higher arts education where subjects in management and leadership tend to be neglected. At the same time, the field of art is in great need for administrators and leaders to organize, administer, and take care of their businesses. They also seem to have faith in themselves in their ability to attract, identify, develop and recruit managers and leaders from among themselves. While studies have described managers and leaders in the field of art as figures with great affinity for the rules of art but who neglect financial and administrative issues, there is a lack of studies investigating how leadership is attracted, education, and constructed in the field of art.

    In two empirical articles, personality traits and motivation to lead were investigated in several samples of artistic individuals. The results demonstrate that there are artistic individuals operating with leaderlike characteristics in the field of art. These characteristics are both related to leadership motivation and actual leadership positions. Also, artistic individuals in general seem to be more motivated to lead than what was expected. The third article included implicit leadership theories to investigate artistic leaders and how they affect the development of leadership in others. The results indicate that artistic leaders hold both leadership and occupational properties motivating others to become artistic leaders themselves. Taken together, this dissertation contributes to the literature by exploring leadership in the field of art in terms of mutual influences of personality, motivation, and professional education. Limitations, future research, and practical implications are discussed at the end of this document.

  • Ingvild Andersen

    Reconnecting Leader-Member Exchange and Social Exchange Theory

    Series of dissertations 02/2022

    Leader–member exchange (LMX) theory originally has strong theoretical ties with social exchange theory (SET) (Liden, Sparrowe, & Wayne, 1997). Still, several scholars have argued that the connection to SET has been lacking in the empirical work on LMX (Gottfredson, Wright, & Heaphy, 2020; Scandura & Meuser, 2021). Through three different papers, I hope to contribute to constructive development of the LMX field by overall strengthening the connection between LMX and SET. The first article provides a literature review of research to date that has applied a twodimensional measure of the LMX relationship, namely social and economic LMX (Kuvaas et al., 2012). With this review, we aim to expose a measure that more coherently corresponds to SET, while also elucidating its implications for various employee outcomes. The results reveal that economic LMX provides unique explanatory variance on various employee outcomes beyond social LMX alone (Andersen, Buch, & Kuvaas, 2020), thus allowing for enhanced understanding of the LMX relationship. In the second paper, I utilize a novel statistical technique, ‘necessary condition analysis’ (Dul, 2016), and insights from SET, to extend the understanding of how both individual level LMX and dyadic level LMX relate to employee outcomes. The findings reveal that both individual level LMX, particularly leaders’ perception of the LMX relationship, and dyadic level LMX are necessary conditions for employee outcomes. Thus, these findings provide enhanced insights regarding the critical role of the LMX relationship in employee outcomes. Leaders differentiate among group members by providing some employees with more resources (e.g., support, attention, bonuses) than other employees (Graen & Scandura, 1987). Despite, resources’ central place in the exchange process, it has largely been a neglected area of scientific inquiries among LMX scholars (Law-Penrose, Wilson, & Taylor, 2015). By placing an explicit focus on resources in the third article, we investigate whether it matters what and how resources are allocated differently by the leader on interactional justice. The overall finding is that the association between LMXD and interactional justice is weaker when socioemotional resources are based on need compared to when based on equity.

  • Thomas Størdal Gundersen

    Supply Heterogeneities and the Oil Market

    Series of dissertations 01/2022


  • Espen Christopher Skretting

    Firms, Oil and Stocks

    Series of dissertations 11/2021

  • Marius Andersson

    Texts and texturing in and around organizations: A discursive perspective on temporal work, future constructions, and managers’ latitude of action.

    Series of dissertations 10/2021

  • Gilbert Kofi Adarkwah

    Institutions, Policy Risk, and Firms Behavior. Foreign Investments in High-Risk Countries.

    Series of dissertations 9/2021

    This dissertation investigates the relationship between host country institution-related (policy) risks and firms' international investment strategies. The dissertation consists of four essays.

    Essay 1 contributes to a fundamental discussion in the strategy and international business literature concerning why many firms continue to invest in countries with greater policy uncertainties by providing a more nuanced analysis of the strategies that MNEs use to handle and curb host country policy risks when investing abroad.

    Essay 2 outlines how host countries' domestic and transnational institutional arrangements help firms dampen host country policy risks against their assets.

    Essay 3 examines how the alignment of interests between firms’ home and host countries affects the costs of doing business abroad and subsidiary-level investments.

    Finally, Essay 4 demonstrates how firms contribute to institutionalization by examining investments by impact investing firms in high-risk developing countries. The essays provided in this dissertation incorporate several mechanisms to explain how firms respond to the institutional practices that affect them, thereby contributing to an important—but scarcely examined—aspect of institutionalization in the strategy and international business research.

  • Ilka Verena Ohlmer

    The Social Side of Employee Pay. Exploring social-psychological outcomes and the explanatory mechanisms of employee pay standing from the social-effects perspective on pay.

    Series of dissertations 8/2021

  • Emanuela Stagno

    Some Consequences of Vulnerability in Consumers' Life

    Series of dissertations 7/2021

  • Christopher Albert Sabel

    Spinouts, Sharks, and Genealogy: Established Firms as Resource Acquisition Channel for Startups

    Series of dissertations 6/2021

  • Njål Andersen

    No article is an island entire of itself. Extending bibliometric science mapping in the field of management with social network analysis.

    Series of dissertations 5/2021

  • Julia Zhulanova

    Macroeconomic Dynamics, Commodity Prices and Expectations

    Series of dissertations 4/2021

  • Magne Våge Knutsen

    Essays on reputation

    Series of dissertations 3/2021

  • Even Soltvedt Hvinden, Crude Games

    Essays on strategic competition in oil markets

    Series of dissertations 2/2021

  • Namhee Matheson

    Theory and Evidence on the Effect of Disagreement on Asset Prices

    Series of dissertations 1/2021