Vitenskapelig publisering
Series of Dissertations
Series of Dissertations (ISSN 1502-2099) omfatter alle avhandlinger avlagt ved Handelshøyskolen BI fra og med 2000. Noen av avhandlingene (monografier) er publisert i fulltekst.
Rasmus Bøgh Holmen
Productivity and Mobility
Series of dissertations 7/2020
Arne Fredrik Lyshol
Essays in labor and housing search
Series of dissertations 6/2020
Kateryna Maltseva
Digital Self-Tracking. Psychological and Behavioral Implications
Series of dissertation 4/2020
Flladina Zilja
The role of CEOs in international strategies
Series of dissertation 3/2020
Vedrana Jez
Managerial attention and cognitive flexibility in strategic decision making
Series of dissertation 2/2020
Ling Tak Douglas Chung
Three Essays on Retail Trading
Series of dissertation 1/2020
Adeline Holmedahl Hvidsten
The role of incompleteness in codesigning collaborative service delivery: A case study of electronic coordination in Norwegian health care
Series of dissertation 7/2019
Delphine Caruelle
The Interplay between Time and Customer Emotion during Service Encounters
Series of dissertation 6/2019
Chi Hoang
How the Human Schema Guides Consumer Behavior
Series of dissertation 5/2019
Wah Yip Chu
Essays in Empirical Asset Pricing and Investment
Series of dissertation 4/2019
Olga Mikhailova
Medical technological innovation processes
Series of dissertation 3/2019
Per-Magnus Thompson
All you need is love? Investigating leadership from leaders’ attachment experiences in close relationships
Series of dissertation 1/2019