
Karoline M. Hofslett Kopperud

Førsteamanuensis - Institutt for ledelse og organisasjon


Karoline Hofslett Kopperud is an Associate Professor of Organizational Psychology at BI Norwegian Business School. She earned her Ph.D. in Leadership and Organizational Behavior from the same institution in 2012. After completing her doctoral studies, she worked as a leadership development consultant before fully transitioning into academia. Her research interests primarily focuses on positive organizational psychology, with an emphasis on occupational health and work-related well-being. Her work, published in international peer-reviewed journals, explores topics such as how leadership influences employee well-being, work-life balance, age diversity, and leader well-being.


Baugerud, Gunn Astrid & Kopperud, Karoline (2023)

Utbrenthet, sekundærtraumatisering og arbeidsglede i barnevernet

Moe, Torill & Kvello, Øyvind (red.). Barnevernledelse for framtiden

Kost, Dominique; Kopperud, Karoline, Buch, Robert, Kuvaas, Bård & Olsson, Ulf Henning (2023)

The competing influence of psychological job control on family-to-work conflict

Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, 96(2), s. 351- 377. Doi: 10.1111/joop.12426 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Psychological job control has typically been negatively related to work-to-family and family-to-work conflict. Based on the job demand-resource model and boundary theory, we argue that psychological job control may indirectly be positively related to family-to-work conflict by both increasing supplemental work, that is, the rate of engagement in work outside of formal working hours without receiving compensation aided by mobile technology, and work-to-family conflict. We hypothesize that this proposed positive indirect relationship will be lower among employees who perceive a high segmentation norm at their workplace. Based on a two-wave study of 4518 employees, we obtained support for a serial moderated mediation model that suggests a dual effect of psychological job control on family-to-work conflict, such that psychological job control was positively associated with family-to-work conflict through supplemental work and work-to-family conflict at low levels of segmentation norms. By examining the dual effects of psychological job control, this study aims to further understand the mechanisms involved in determining whether and when psychological job control, together with supplemental work, encourages employees to uphold or cross boundaries between work and nonwork domains. Our findings imply that psychological job control can both be a resource and a demand depending on the levels of segmentation norms.

Kopperud, Karoline; Nerstad, Christina G. L. & Buch, Robert (2022)

Engaging the age-diverse workforce: the interplay between personal and contextual resources

Personnel Review, 52(5), s. 1499- 1524. Doi: 10.1108/PR-06-2021-0463

Kopperud, Karoline; Buch, Robert & Skogen, Christina (2021)

Work overload and leader–member exchange: The moderating role of psychological flexibility

Journal of General Management (JGM), 46(3), s. 173- 184. Doi: 10.1177/0306307020942905

Kopperud, Karoline; Nerstad, Christina & Dysvik, Anders (2020)

Should I Stay or Should I Go? The Role of Motivational Climate and Work–Home Spillover for Turnover Intentions

Frontiers in Psychology, 11 Doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01107 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Emerging trends in the workforce point to the necessity of facilitating work lives that foster constructive and balanced relationships between professional and private spheres in order to retain employees. Drawing on the conservation of resources theory, we propose that motivational climate influences turnover intention through the facilitation of work–home spillover. Specifically, we argue that employees working in a perceived mastery climate are less likely to consider voluntarily leaving their employer because of increased positive–and reduced negative—work–home spillover experiences. We further argue that employees working in a perceived performance climate are more likely to consider voluntarily leaving their employer because of reduced positive—and increased negative—work–home spillover experiences. In a cross—lagged survey of 1074 employees in a Norwegian financial-sector organization, we found that work–home spillover partly mediates the relationship between a perceived motivational climate and turnover intention. Specifically, mastery climates seem to facilitate positive—and reduce negative—spillover between the professional and private spheres, which in turn decreases employees’ turnover intention. Contrary to our expectations, a perceived performance climate slightly increased both positive and negative work-home spillover, however increasing employees’ turnover intention. We discuss implications for practice and future research.

Kopperud, Karoline (2019)

Ledelse og selvinnsikt

Haugan, Jan Arvid & Kvello, Øyvind (red.). Selvinnsikt og profesjonalitet

Kopperud, Karoline & Martinsen, Øyvind L. (2016)

Motiverende ledelse

Buch, Robert; Dysvik, Anders & Kuvaas, Bård (red.). Produktiv motivasjon i arbeidslivet

Kopperud, Karoline; Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Humborstad, Sut I Wong (2014)

Engaging leaders in the eyes of the beholder: On the relationship between transformational leadership, work engagement, service climate, and self-other agreement

The Journal of leadership studies, 21(1), s. 29- 42. Doi: 10.1177/1548051813475666

Kopperud, Karoline (2009)

The X-factors: Exploring relations between three measures of eudaimonic experiences at work

Rodríguez Sánchez, Alma María & Salanova Soria, María Luisa (red.). Looking for the Positive Side of Occupational Health at Work

Kopperud, Karoline Hofslett & Vittersø, Joar (2008)

Distinctions between hedonic and eudaimonic well-being: Results from a day reconstruction study among Norwegian jobholders

Journal of Positive Psychology, 3(3), s. 174- 181.

Gramnæs, Katrine & Kopperud, Karoline (2022)

Toppsjef: – Jeg har ingen tro på å lære av feil

E24 [Internett]

Solberg, Trine & Kopperud, Karoline (2022)

Eksperter advarer - dette er viktig om du jobber fra hjemmekontor

Nettavisen [Internett]

Nilsen, Jannicke & Kopperud, Karoline (2021)

Frivillig eller tvungen hjemmekontor – det er stor forskjell. Slik leverer du uansett

Teknisk Ukeblad [Fagblad]

Bergwitz-Larsen, Irene & Kopperud, Karoline (2021)

Blir du stresset av small talk på jobb? Hvis du lærer deg disse triksene, er det bra for karrieren.

aftenposten.no [Internett]

Ole, Alvik & Kopperud, Karoline (2020)

Overbelastede barnehageledere har dårligere relasjoner til medarbeiderne


Balci, Sonja & Kopperud, Karoline (2020)

På disse arbeidsplassene trives de ansatte og slutter ikke

Forskning.no [Internett]

Dag Håkon, Hellevik & Kopperud, Karoline (2015)

Hvor viktig er det at toppsjefen har sosial teft?

Ukeavisen ledelse [Fagblad]

Stamnes, Einar & Kopperud, Karoline (2012)

Viktig mål på lederskap: lederes selvinnsikt i egne prestasjoner

Ukeavisen Ledelse [Avis]

Ole, Alvik & Kopperud, Karoline (2012)

Bli bevisst medarbeidernes styrker - og dyrk dem

Personal og Ledelse [Fagblad]

Dag, Hellevik & Kopperud, Karoline (2012)

Skap engasjement i jobben!

Ukeavisen Ledelse [Avis]

Ole, Alvik & Kopperud, Karoline (2006)

Den supergode jobbfølelsen

Personal og Ledelse [Fagblad]

Kopperud, Karoline; Kost, Dominique & Buch, Robert (1)

Er hjemmekontor egentlig bra for oss?

Dagens næringsliv [Kronikk]

Seljeseth, Ingvild Müller; Nerstad, Christina G. L., Sørlie, Henrik, Kopperud, Karoline, Kost, Dominique & Vandewalle, Don (2023)

A Sense of Social Status: Antecedents and Relationship to Academic Performance

[Academic lecture]. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.

Runge, Malte; Kopperud, Karoline & Nerstad, Christina (2023)

To agree or disagree: Motivational climate strength in remote work

[Academic lecture]. SIOP Annual Conference.

Kost, Dominique; Runge, Malte, Kopperud, Karoline & Nerstad, Christina (2023)

To agree or disagree: Motivational climates in remote work.

[Academic lecture]. SIOP Annual Conference.

Kost, Dominique; Nerstad, Christina & Kopperud, Karoline (2022)

Emotions and relationships in the digital workplace: A diary study

[Academic lecture]. Work Family Researchers Network (WFRN) Biannual conference.

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Ingvild, Seljeseth, Kopperud, Karoline, Vandewalle, Don & Kost, Dominique (2022)

The Effect of Small Social-Psychological Interventions on Engagement and Completion Intention

[Academic lecture]. European Association of Work and Organizational Psycology Congress.

Kopperud, Karoline; Barbøl, Andreas, Østvik, Jan Erik & Kost, Dominique (2022)

Respectful engagement, social leader-member exchange, and intrinsic motivation. The moderating role of span of control.

[Academic lecture]. European Association of Work and Organizational Psycology Congress.

Kopperud, Karoline & Kost, Dominique (2022)

Telework and personal initiative: The moderating role of leader strength support

[Academic lecture]. European Association of Work and Organizational Psycology Congress.

Kopperud, Karoline; Nerstad, Christina G. L., Buch, Robert & Kost, Dominique (2020)

Engaging the age-diverse workforce: The interplay between personal and contextual resources

[Academic lecture]. Accepted at Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver..

Kost, Dominique; Kopperud, Karoline, Buch, Robert & Kuvaas, Bård (2020)

The competing influence of psychological job control on family-to-work conflict

[Academic lecture]. Work and Family Researchers Network (WFRN) conference.

Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Kopperud, Karoline & Buch, Robert (2019)

Leader burnout and follower engagement: The moderating role of follower psychological flexibility

[Academic lecture]. European Association of Work and Organizational Psycology Congress.

Kopperud, Karoline; Buch, Robert & Skogen, Christina (2018)

Leaders’ Work Overload and Leader-Member Exchange: The Moderating Role of Psychological Flexibility

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Proceedings.

Kopperud, Karoline & Nerstad, Christina G. L. (2017)

Work engagement and age diversity. The role of goal orientation, work-family spillover, and competence mobilization across age groups

[Academic lecture]. European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Congress (EAWOP).

Kopperud, Karoline (2016)

Perceived Mastery Climate, Work–Family Balance, and Turnover Intention

[Academic lecture]. Academy of Management Proceedings.

Kopperud, Karoline & Straume, Lisa Vivoll (2009)

Flow: A Positive Experience

Christensen, Marit (red.). Validation and test of central concepts in positive work and organizational psychology

Martinsen, Øyvind L. & Kopperud, Karoline (2008)

Leading the good working life. Positive impacts of transformational leadership and self leadership

[Academic lecture]. European Conference on Positive Psychology.

Kopperud, Karoline & Vittersø, Joar (2008)

What is this thing called flow? An empirical comparison of three different approaches

[Academic lecture]. European Conference on Positive Psychology.

Kopperud, Karoline; Christensen, Marit, Straume, Lisa Vivoll, Borg, Vilhelm, Clausen, Thomas, Hakanen, Jari, Lindstrøm, Kari, Aronsson, Gunnar & Gustafson, Clas (2008)

Positive Factors at Work. The First Report of the NordicProject

[Report]. Tema Nord.

Kopperud, Karoline (2006)

Positiv Psykologi i Arbeidslivet

[Academic lecture]. Helsefremmende Arbeidsplasser.

Kopperud, Karoline (2005)

Exploring Optimal Experiences: Facilitation of Work-Related Flow.

[Academic lecture]. Norsk Psykologforenings kongress.

Akademisk grad
År Akademisk institusjon Grad
2012 BI Norwegian Business School PhD