
Wajda Wikhamn

Professor - Institutt for ledelse og organisasjon


McCartney, Jacob; Franczak, Jennifer, Gonzalez, Katerina, Hall, Angela T., Hochwarter, Wayne A., Jordan, Samantha L., Wikhamn, Wajda, Khan, Abdul Karim & Babalola, Mayowa T. (2023)

Supervisor off-work boundary infringements: Perspective-taking as a resource for after-hours intrusions

Work & Stress - An International Journal of Work, Health & Organisations, 37(3), s. 373- 396. Doi: 10.1080/02678373.2023.2176945 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Constant connectivity is prevalent in modern workplaces, aided bysmartphones and email. Supervisors may further pressure theirsubordinates to remain connected to work through their after-hours communications. We develop the concept ofsupervisor off-work boundary infringements (SBI)or supervisor intrusions duringsubordinates’nonwork hours, which are becoming widespreaddue to expectations of immediate accessibility. Through theconservation of resources theory lens, we explore whether theseunnecessary intrusions by supervisors increase subordinate strainoutcomes (i.e. job tension and depressed mood at work). We alsoexamine the role of perspective-taking, a cognitive resourcedeployed as a coping strategy that allows individuals tounderstand the viewpoint of others, which in turn facilitateschanges in one’s attitudes and behaviours. Specifically, wepropose that employee perspective-taking can lessen the adverseeffects of SBI. Across a four-study constructive replication, wefindevidence that SBI positively relates to job tension and adepressed mood at work. Heightened levels of perspective-takingattenuated this relationship. Our study presents evidence thatindividuals who engage in perspective-taking can protectthemselves by buffering the adverse effects of SBI. Importantly,we advocate for corporate policies and laws that protect workersfrom SBI and encourage supervisors to cease such infringementson their employees.

Tyskbo, Daniel & Wikhamn, Wajda (2022)

Talent designation as a mixed blessing: Short- and long-term employee reactions to talent status

Human Resource Management Journal Doi: 10.1111/1748-8583.12485 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Talent management (TM) continues to attract considerable attention from both practitioners and academics. Existing research investigating employee reactions to being awarded talent status has not elucidated the processual nature of such reactions. This study extends TM research by providing a nuanced understanding of how employees react to talent designation over time and why. Specifically, it distinguishes between short- and long-term reactions and uses the lenses of psychological contract (PC) theory and social identity theory (SIT) to unpack mechanisms underlying immediate positive, and delayed negative, employee reactions to talent designation. Results from qualitative analysis of interviews with talents in three organizations show how—as time elapsed and no identity-relevant events occurred—perceptions of “talent emptiness” and “indeterminacy” developed. The study unfolds the complex interaction between SIT and PC (including breach and violation) to explain talents’ evolving reactions over time. As such, it contributes to TM literature by providing a nuanced understanding of the processes underlying employee reactions in exchanges involving socioemotional resources.

Remneland Wikhamn, Björn; Styhre, Alexander & Wikhamn, Wajda (2022)

HRM work and open innovation: evidence from a case study

International Journal of Human Resource Management Doi: 10.1080/09585192.2022.2054285 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

This paper proposes a framework for firm use of HRM when engaging in open innovation. Whereas open innovation has gained wide recognition in the innovation management field, as firms open their boundaries to knowledge inflow and outflow to advance innovation, very few empirical papers link the HRM literature to this phenomenon. We base our analysis on an exploratory qualitative study of the pharmaceutical corporation AstraZeneca and its implementation of an open innovation initiative called BioVentureHub. We identify three main areas of HRM work: inbound, outbound, and coupled HRM work. Furthermore, we illustrate how these HRM activities relate to the development of the open innovation initiative and to current HRM and open innovation literature. The framework identifies HRM activities that target not only internal employees, but also external human resources engaged in the open innovation initiative. This HRM work is mainly conducted through informal means, separate from the host corporation’s business as usual. Our empirical study contributes to the limited and mainly conceptual research connecting open innovation with HRM, increasing our knowledge of how corporations use HRM work to manage open innovation initiatives in practice.

Wikhamn, Wajda; Wikhamn, Björn Remneland & Fasth, Jonas (2021)

Employee participation and job satisfaction in SMEs: investigating strategic exploitation and exploration as moderators

International Journal of Human Resource Management Doi: 10.1080/09585192.2021.1910537

The study introduces three forms of employee participation in decision making in SMEs (work role, HR, and strategic) and tests two competing hypotheses regarding their positive and negative relationships with one aspect of employee wellbeing, namely job satisfaction. It further explores if one internal boundary condition – firms’ exploitation and exploration – moderates the three participation-satisfaction relationships. Using multilevel data collected from top managers and employees in Swedish SMEs, the results support positive connotations of participation, with work role participation having the strongest relationship with employee job satisfaction. The results additionally highlight the role of firms’ explorative orientation as an internal boundary condition for the three participation-satisfaction relationships. Specifically, the positive relationships of work role and strategic participation forms with job satisfaction were stronger under high levels of exploration. Surprisingly, participation in HR issues related negatively to satisfaction under the same conditions. The study advances HRM-SME research by discussing these findings, highlighting their implications for practitioners in SMEs, and proposing avenues for future research.

Wikhamn, Wajda; Asplund, Kajsa & Dries, Nicky (2020)

Identification with management and the organisation as key mechanisms in explaining employee reactions to talent status

Human Resource Management Journal Doi: 10.1111/1748-8583.12335 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

This study examines how identification with management and the organization explains the relationship between talent status, organizational citizenship behavior towards the organization (OCB‐O) and the supervisor (OCB‐S), and turnover intention. Using archival and survey data (N = 597), we tested two competing models: a parallel and a serial mediation. Results supported serial mediation of management identification through organizational identification; management identification was the most predictive mediator overall. We also found different exchange dynamics depending on the focus of the identification (management or organization) and their corresponding outcomes (OCB‐S and OCB‐O); OCB‐S was most strongly related to management identification. We contribute to the literature by integrating concepts and assumptions from social identity and social exchange theory, and advancing the understanding about employee reciprocation of symbolic resources such as talent status. Practical implications, in particular about encouraging ‘pre‐identification’ with management in order to ensure talents' continued extra‐role behavior and retention, are spelled out.

Wikhamn, Wajda & Remneland Wikhamn, Björn (2019)

Gender diversity and innovation performance: Evidence from R&D workforce in Sweden

International Journal of Innovation Management Doi: 10.1142/S1363919620500619 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Compared to gender diversity in top management teams (TMTs) and board of directions, gender diversity in research and development (R&D) organisations, and its relationship with firm’s innovation performance, has received little attention. The aim of this paper is to investigate this relationship. Using a longitudinal design with five samples from Sweden the paper explores how gender diversity in R&D units relates to innovation-related employee productivity (measured in monetary value). Both linear and non-linear relationships are tested. The results suggest gender diversity has a non-linear, U-shape, relationship with employee innovation-related productivity, supporting the value-in-diversity perspective.

Wikhamn, Wajda (2019)

Innovation, sustainable HRM and customer satisfaction

International Journal of Hospitality Management, 76, s. 102- 110. Doi: 10.1016/j.ijhm.2018.04.009

The purpose of this paper is to explore how sustainable human resource management (HRM) practices impact the innovation-customer satisfaction relationship in Swedish hotels. Responding hotels were profiled into four groups based on their involvement in two sustainable HR practices. The findings indicate the relationship between innovation and customer satisfaction is dependent on sustainable HR practices in the organization. Although innovation and sustainable HR practices impact customer satisfaction positively, their interaction suggests that the one can substitute the other to achieve superior customer satisfaction. The study concludes that sustainable HR practices enhance a hotel’s capability to innovate and to have satisfied customers. The relationship between sustainable HR practices and innovation is discussed.

Wikhamn, Wajda & Selart, Marcus (2019)

Empowerment and initiative: the mediating role of obligation

Employee Relations, 41(4), s. 662- 677. Doi: 10.1108/ER-11-2017-0273 - Fulltekst i vitenarkiv

Akademisk grad
År Akademisk institusjon Grad
2008 University of Gothenburg PhD
År Arbeidsgiver Tittel
2018 - Present BI Norwegian Business School Associate professor, Department of Leadership and Organizational Behavior,
2014 - 2018 University of Gothenburg Associate professor, Department of Business Administration, School of Business, Economics, and Law.
2009 - 2013 University of Gothenburg Assistant professor, Department of Business Administration, School of Business, Economics, and Law.
2004 - 2008 University of Gothenburg PhD Candidate, Department of Business Administration, School of Business, Economics, and Law.