
Green Growth Innovation

The government commits to making Norway the number one country for green investments. What does it mean to translate that ambition into innovation policy?

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  • Starter:09:00, 11. mai 2017
  • Slutter:15:00, 11. mai 2017
  • Sted:BI Norwegian Business School, Nydalen Oslo
  • Pris:Free attendence, Kr 250 no-show fee
  • Kontakt:Bogdana Fedorak (bogdana.fedorak@gmail.com)

A policy direction that is smart, inclusive and takes advantage of ‘green’ as the next big technological and market opportunity. We explore what the role of  the State is in ensuring whether opportunities are taken, and the importance of  direct public investment for promoting the creation of  public goods and courageous risk-taking in research and innovation in both the public and private sectors. This BI seminar gives you the theory and practical examples you need to get updated.

The seminar is free, incl. lunch, but limited attendance and binding registration required. Final date for unregistering is 4th May. No-show gives administration fee of  250 kr.


  • Tid
  • Tittel
  • Registration

  • Part 1 - The role of Green Growth in Innovation Policy

    Welcome by Governing Mayor Raymond Johansen: Oslo - The Leading Green Innovation City?

    “Smart green growth” innovation for a prosperous society
    Carlota Perez, professor, London School of Economics

    Radical Innovation from The ‘Drawdown’ Project
    Paul Hawken, author

    Institutional Innovation for Securing Green Growth.
    Arild Vatn, professor, Norwegian University of Life Sciences

    What implications does green growth have for Norwegian innovation policy?

  • Break

  • Part 2 - More for Less? - Norwegian Smart solutions

    Shelf  Life Indicators for Smarter, Better Food
    Kristen Hovland, CEO, Keep-It Technologies

    Realizing the Smart Grid with Big Data.
    Knut Johansen, CEO, eSmart

    Roof  Power to All
    Andreas Thorsheim, CEO, Otovo

    Smarter Buildings in Smarter Cities
    Toril Nag, CEO, Lyse

    Fast growing sustainable timber into hardwoods
    Christian Jebsen, CEO, Kebony

    Ethical Green Impact Investment
    Kjell F. Løvold, CEO, Cultura Bank

  • Lunch

  • Part 3 - Green Growth as Innovation Policy

    Re-inventing Prosperity with 13 New Policy Solutions
    Jørgen Randers, professor, BI

    Medarbeidernes rolle i å drive grønn innovasjon
    Vegard Einan, Parat&YS-Privat

    X2 - Innovation Center - Et nytt liv etter oljen?
    Christian Rangen & Linn Jensen

    Hvordan gjør vi Norge til "det beste landet for å investere i private, grønne bedrifter"?
    Per Koch, Innovasjon Norge

    De nye innovasjonspolitiske utfordringene: System re-design
    Håkon Haugli, Abelia

    Med økende arbeidsledighet; Hva vil regjeringen gjøre for å innovere frem de nye arbeidsplassene?
    Politisk panel: Partileder Jonas Gahr Støre - (AP), statsminister Erna Solberg (H) fasilitert av Per Espen Stoknes, BI

    Closing comments by the partnership Abelia, YS-forbundet Parat & Cultura Bank


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