Public lecture and PhD defence: Delphine Caruelle
- Starter:10:00, 30. august 2019
- Slutter:15:00, 30. august 2019
- Sted:BI - campus Oslo, rom C2-060
PhD Candidate Delphine Caruelle, Department of Marketing, will hold a public lecture and defence of the doctoral dissertation on: “The Interplay Between Time and Customer Emotion During Service Encounters” for the degree of Ph.D in BI Norwegian Business School’s PhD Programme.
Public lecture on given topic: “Managing the emotional customer journey in service encounters”
Time for Public Lecture: 10.00-11.00
Time for Disputation: 12.00
The Evaluation Committee:
Chair: Professor: Associate Professor Klemens Knöferle, BI Norwegian Business School
First Opponent: David S. Van Pelt Distinguished Professor of Marketing Valarie Ann Zeithaml,
Kenan-Flagler School of Business, London Business School
Second Opponent: Professor Jens Hogreve, KU Eichstatt-lngolstadt
Professor Line Lervik-Olsen, BI Norwegian Business School has been the candidate´s main supervisor, and Research
Professor Anders Gustafsson, BI Norwegian Business School, has been the candidate´s co-supervisor.
The Doctoral Dissertation is available in the library at BI Norwegian Business School.
For the disputation, the academic procession will arrive at 12.15 sharp and the public must take their seat before this time.